fourteen | trust

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"Okay, I think we're clean." Taya announced probably 45 minutes after entering the water, seeing how most of it had included them fooling around and not focusing on washing, and then when they finally did they took extra long washing each other's bodies. "Just dunk." Taya ordered and unstraddled Bellamy, pulling her hands off of his soapy hair. Taya was careful to keep holding onto him as he dunked seeing how he'd pulled them to an area where he could touch but Taya couldn't.

"Fifteen minutes!" One of the "guards" warned.

See, here's how the system worked, There was a round every day for an hour. Who was allowed to go rotated, first day with females, second day was males, and third was anyone. Then they continued that cycle. When you went down, four guards with now guns stood watch for grounders.

"Wait, wait, waighfta—." Taya tried to say before slipping under as Bellamy moved away.

"Sorry." He grinned after pulling her up. She huffed in annoyance and shot him a half hearted glare.

"Just hold onto me, please." Taya asked and Bellamy made her straddle him again as he waded back out.

"Miller, cover up." Bellamy called and Miller threw him some parachute that Bellamy wrapped around both of their bodies until they got to shore. Bellamy grabbed a towel and quickly wiped Taya and himself down, holding the parachute up as Taya changed back into her clothes, then Taya did the same for Bellamy.

"We're gonna leave early." Bellamy announced.

"You aren't supposed to—Be safe." Miller corrected himself when Bellamy gave him a look.

They set off back to camp.


"My friends. This is an historic Unity Day. Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the 12 stations joined to form the Ark but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year... on the ground." Jana's speech came through a crappy radio and screen, it was still impressive they could see him at all.

"Right. After we did all the work. Someone shut him up." Miller complained.

"You shut up, Miller. No ones forcing you to watch." Raven replied, earning a chuckle from Taya.

"For 97 years, we have eked out an existence hoping that someday our descendants would return to Earth." Jaha continued and Taya walked off with a bored sigh, untillll she saw Jasper.

"Whoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again! Hey! Hey! Call this batch unity juice! Who's thirsty?" Jasper asked and everyone crowded around, with various cups and canisters.

Taya was the first to get some, after all she'd never had a drop of it in her life. She was ready to get shitfaced.


"Hey, cow-bell!" Taya grinned, stumbling over. "Have I ever told you you're really handsome?" Taya asked, putting her hands on either side of her face.

"You are really drunk, aren't you?" He chuckled, his arms going to her waist as she stumbled a bit.

"What? No. I feel great." Taya grinned. "Come join me." She said, tugging his hand.

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