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Chapter Name: Treat You Better
Another George cuz he's my favorite
George x reader
Warnings: Abuse

You held your hand over your bleeding nose, your boyfriend of 2 years cheated on you, and when you confronted him he lost his mind he threw thing and hit you. You knew for awhile he was cheating but you finally had enough.

"George... I need you" you cried into your phone.

"What's wrong, are you okay" he questioned over the phone, hearing your voice tremble hurt him deeply.

"Nevermind I'll be there as fast as I can" he said through the phone, even though he was filming,not even bothering to take off his mask.  He ran as fast as he could to your apartment five stories up. The elevator didn't work so he used the stairs.

Within minutes you heard a knock at your door. You couldn't bring yourself to stand so you scooted across the floor to the door.

The door opened quickly, you saw George's masked face but couldn't even acknowledge him.

He fell to the floor with you and held you. "What happen" he asked calmly streaking your face.

"I...He... He hurt me" You stuttered.

George noticed your bruised and bloody face. He sighed and threw his hat and glasses off, leaving only his bandana.

You continued crying on the floor, while George reaches over to grab some tissues that happened to be within reach.

He took the tissue and ran it across your face to clean up the blood.

"I finally said something and...and I really should...should not have" you broke even more "I really shouldn't have" you held tightly on George

George ran his hand through your hair trying to calm you down. He whispered something but it was to muffled for you to hear.

George reached to take of his mask, but he couldn't seem to be able to undo it. He let out a frustrated sigh. You look up and run your hand across his jaw, running it all the way to the tie of the bandana.

You helped him undo it even though you were still shaking. He sighed and kissed your forehead.

He picked you up gently and moved you to your bedroom. He helped you into bed and turned on some happy television.

Tears were still falling from your eyes. George got a wash cloths and cleaned up your face for you. He made you a small snack, and made sure you had stopped crying.

"I think it's time for me to go, but I'll call the police on him" he shyly said.

I shook my head, "ok, but can you stay tonight" you said in a shy tone.

"Of course" George smiled sadly, he took off his hoodie and laid next to you.

You laid your head on his chest and snuggled into his side. He looked down at you and sighed sadly when he saw more bruises forming.

You started to fall asleep,but George thought you were completely asleep. "I'll keep you safe next time" he whispered and kissed the bruise that had recently formed on your forehead.

You looked up taking him by surprise, you just look at him for a second, looking into his beautiful eyes. You knew it was probably too soon or your emotions had just taken over, but you leaned up and met your lips with his.

He cupped your face so lightly it almost felt as it wasn't there. He warm lips caused your pains to melt away.

Immediately a feeling of relief ran over you. It calmed you.

"I'm sorry, that was to fast I didn't mean to pressure you into anything" he said kindly.

"You didn't" you said,running your fingers across the collar of his shirt.

His hand lazily held your waist,  "love, get some rest" he smiled into your hair.

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