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So I am back for one chapter

Will was honestly taken a back, he never in a million years would have thought she liked him. He had never told anyone he liked her, because of the pure lack of time they had spent together. It seemed too good to be true.

He had tried so hard to move past his crush by chasing other girls, but every time he saw her everyone else disappeared. He didn't understand why he had fallen so hard for her, they didn't talk often, but when they did it made him so happy.

He didn't want anything sexually, though he definitely wouldn't mind if that happened. It wasn't like he hadn't thought about it. But genuinely he just wanted her, to see her, hold her, even just talk to her.

So he finally did it, he got up some courage. He asked her out. He had a plan on how he was going to ask her, but he was so flushed he couldn't get out the words correctly. She for some reason still said yes.

They saw each other more often. Every time he still felt little butterflies in his stomach. He could barely contain his happiness when she fell asleep on his chest the first time.

Even though George and Alex called him a simp plenty of times, he didn't care. I mean even she called him a simp on a few occasions.

He liked to keep her hidden from his YouTube audience. Not that he didn't care or didn't want to show her off, more for his own jealousy, though he'd never admit that.

She made him happy. No matter what she did or what she said, as long as she was there he was happy

Wowza it's been a bit and it'll prolly be a bit till I come back again

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