Memeulous (2)

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Chapter Name: Mount Olympus 2
George x reader
Warnings: violence
(Tell me if y'all want more of these AU)

Long chapter


You had been running for awhile when George pulled you into a cave, you could see the monsters outside but they must not have been able to see you. They were walking right by the cave but couldn't seem to see the large entrance. You assumed it was magic and just left it alone.

"What are those" you yelled to George.

"Hell hounds and the Fates' priestesses" he mumbled quietly. You tried to get him to say more but to no avail.

He looked oddly to the ground, mumbling words that I couldn't understand. Suddenly a man with long hair and blue eyes appeared.

"Alex help" George asked loudly.

"I can't do much dumbass" the man who I presumed to be Alex said.

"Cover them in money or something" George said sarcastically to him.

"I think we just have to wait it out" Alex sighed.

Alex's eyes fell to you, he held out his hand offering a kind greeting " Alex, son of Pontus, god of wealth"

"Y/N, not a demigod" you said shaking his hand back, your words caused him to become shaken.

"You're human? Dammit, George" he yelled looking back to George.

"She needed help" he whispered under his breath.

"I can't believe you" Alex said, sitting on the other side of the cave, whining like a child.

You looked down sadly, already kinda freaked out and this wasn't helping, "what the fuck is happening" you yelled, now completely
freaking out.

George got up and stroked your hair to calm you down, "calm down, let me explain" he said softly, sitting you down on his lap. Alex rolled his eyes, still annoyed.

George began to speak, "The gods, as you know, come down every once in awhile and well...get with human" 

He continued, still stroking your hair, "not all of these gods and goddesses good, but their children could choose their own path, good or evil"

"Many of these children chose evil, like the ones we saw. The priestesses of the Fates, who we saw, are some of the bad ones. Me and Alex are the good ones, even if Alex is a grumpy bitch."  He said.

"Why should I believe you" you asked shyly.

"I swear on the River of Styx" he said, knowing that was the strongest promise, and cannot be broken. 

"Ok" you whispered.

"Why are they following us" you asked him.

"They think we messed up fate" he said awkwardly.

"Oh you really fucked shit up this time" Alex said from across the room burying his head in his hands.

"I don't think you can change fate, they just don't know that" he mumbled in an almost inaudible volume.

Alex and George talk for awhile, figuring out a plan.

"I think we have to stay and sleep the night." You pipe up causing Alex to roll his eyes.

"You don't know anything, human" he spat coldly.

"I know quite a bit about strategy, I was in charge of my father's huntresses" you spat back.

"Waiting for the perfect time is key" You said. George looked at you with admiration. Within the last few hours he had been quite charming and you would never admit it but he had swooned you, Aphrodite must've charmed you.

"Let's go to bed then." Alex said defeated.

"Ok" you smiled, and laid gracefully down. In George's eyes you looked as beautiful as Aphrodite, and as wise as Athena. You were perfect to him, though he hadn't known you for long he thought Aphrodite must have cursed him.

Different PoV

Aphrodite had charmed the young pair, watching as they fell asleep. She interfered moving them next to each other in their sleep, moving his arm over her waist. Making his head lay in the crook of her neck.

The morning when the woke up they were more then confused.

"Umm?" Y/n said softly pulling his arm off her, even though she didn't want to.

"Sorry?" George said not knowing what happened either.

"Get a room Lovebirds" Alex said rudely. George felt his cheek heat up. Y/N felt the same feeling.

"There gone" Y/N said pointing out.

"Thank Aphrodite" George said realizing what had happened. Y/N realized understanding, Aphrodite will do anything for a good love story.

"So I guess we are her favorites". George said scratching the back of his neck .

"I guess so" y/n said grabbing his hand.

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