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Chapter Names: Airplanes
Will x reader
Short chapter
Warnings: none

You promptly hurried off of the plane which you had been on for almost 10 hours.

You ran to get your luggage and found it easily. You quickly sat down on a bench outside of the Airport.

You were exited to surprise Will. You wanted to see him smile, because you hadn't seen his smile in person for a long while.

"Hey Will" you sighed into the phone.

"Yes love" he answered calmly.

"So you know that my flight wasn't supposed to come in until tomorrow" you said and began giggling.

"No... you're not....are you here" he said happily.

"Hurry up I'm waiting at the airport" you laughed and hung up.

Will sprinted to his car, not even caring that his hair was messed up. The months that you had been gone where some of the most lonely months of his life.

He finally made it to the airport and pulled over his car.

"Will?" You yelled trying to make sure you weren't about to randomly kiss some other guy.

"Y/N!" He shouted and ran to you. He wrapped his arms around you and slightly picked you up off the ground.

Your lips met his and it felt as if fireworks were exploding all over the sky.

"I missed you" he said and held you tighter.

"Let's go home" you smiled and grabbed his hand tightly.


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