Fraser (Inabber)

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Chapter Name: Cigarette
Fraser x reader

So this one kinda sucks

You didn't know how much will power it took him to not just kiss you right then, as you danced across the floor.

Your hair looked so soft to him. You had your makeup done and you were dressed up, you both were at a friends wedding. The ceremony was finished and the reception and partying had just begun.

Some music blared, and you continued dancing with some random guy, probably a friend of a friend. Fraser could barely stand the sight. He had to excuse him self outside, he didn't want to see you with someone else.

He had loved you for years leaving hints, and trying to confess in every way besides actually saying it. But to his despair every few months you would find some guy. One that had everything he didn't.

He walked outside and grabbed a cigarette from his friends bag, he hadn't smoked in a long while but tonight he felt he need something to calm him down, and alcohol wasn't doing the trick.

He brought the cigarette to his lips for the first time in months. He felt a wave of guilt flush over him, for doing it.

You noticed him walk out and grab something out of his friends bag, you politely told the guy you were dancing with you had to do something and followed Fraser out.

The cool air of the night hit you like a train, bringing complete sobriety back to you. You noticed puffs of smoke winding through the air. You realized quickly who it was. AYou knew Fraser had put off smoking months ago, it was hard for him.

"Fraser?" You ask as you touch his shoulder. He quickly tried to hide the cigarette from your view.

"Y/N, what are you doing out here" he asked, with a fake smile splashed across his face.

"I wanted to check on you, you just kinda ran out" you said, your eyes slowly going down to the cigarette loosely held between his fingers.

"It's nothing" he sighed, holding up the cigarette, "I just wanted one"

"You were off it though" you said softly plucking it from his hands. "Why'd you do that" you prodded.

"It's a long story" he said taking back his cigarette and facing away once again.

"Well I have all night" you said becoming slightly annoyed.

He turned around, and sighed, "I love you"

"I love you too" you said confused.

"No, Y/N,I mean I really love you. I know this is gonna ruin everything but I do. You have no idea how much it hurts to see you with someone else. Every time you breakup with a guy, I feel like I have a chance, I leave hints hoping you get the message. But then you come back with another guy, one who is better looking, more funny, or smarter. It really fucking hurts" He stared to the ground anxiously waiting for what you were gonna say.

"You... you should have told me" you said touching his cheek gently.

"I feel the same" you sighed.

A small smile could be seen, he leaned down to you and your lips connected. It was perfect to him, he had wanted this for years. You were perfect to him.

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