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Chapter Name: In the Night
Niall x reader
Warnings: abuse towards woman, mentions of strippers, sexual harassment violence etc.

This Chapter is based off of the song by The Weeknd

Loooooooong Chapter
Niall's PoV

"Don't touch the girls." The bouncer said, practically pushing me into the club.

I sat down at a table close to the stage, I grabbed the bundle of cash in my pocket and placed in on the table. My hands were shaking, it had been a long time since I had been to one of these places.

I noticed a squirrelly man walking around and eyeing down the tables. I assumed he was the owner of the club and was making sure everyone was  okay.

"Get our your wallets, cause the girls are coming out" A man yelled from the stage. I quickly grabbed my cash prepared to throw it.

A beautiful girl came out and walked over to the pole directly in front of me.  I couldn't help but stare at her amazing body, but besides that her breathtaking face.

She began to dance to a slow song and for some reason instead of being turned on, I felt sad. Not sad for me but for her.

The music felt sad, even though it was upbeat. Almost as if the music was some crude joke.

Soon the music ended and she picked up her money off the ground. She strutted off stage, and soon became hidden behind the stage curtains.

I was enchanted by her, everything about her, her hair, her eyes. I needed to see her up close, I wanted to here her voice.

I stumbled out of the club and noticed a small figure in a large hoodie out of the corner of my eye. I ran over to the girl and touched her shoulder lightly.

"Hey" I said shyly.

"What do you want" she said hitting off my hand.

"I just wanted to tell you your dancing was amazing... I mean not in that way, but it..." I stuttered.

She giggled lightly, "what's a guy like you doing in these parts"

"It's a long story, I'm Niall by the way" I said scratching my neck.

"Yeah" she said rolling her eyes clearly not amused with my answer.

"So what's your name" I asked mentally cringing that I sounded like a child.

"Um... Honey?" She said almost as if it was a question.

"What's your real name?" I questioned her.

"Don't worry about it" she said, pulling her sleeves over her hands.

"Um you should tell me cause that would be epic" I tried to say in a charming way.

"Y/N" she smiled and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Y/N, okay that's a good name for you" I said

"What is that supposed to mean" she smiled.

"I don't kn..." my words were suddenly cut off by her.

She looked over her shoulder, towards the middle aged man who owned the club, "you wanna get food somewhere, I know a nice sandwich shop that's still open" she said.

"Oh yeah" I said and followed her as she motioned me to walk with her.

"Y/N where are you going" the middle aged man yelled to her.

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