Willne (boy reader)

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Story Name: hide
Will x (boy) reader
Warnings: I'm not sure how to put a warning on this without spoiling anything.... but be warned for something, sad, angst, cheating

Also this story was supposed to originally be happy but I felt like writing sad stuff

He had a girlfriend, and he loved Mia, he told himself he was just confused, that he just thought he was attractive. But deep inside he knew that he was lying to himself.

When Will stopped lying to himself and he finally confessed to him, to Will's surprise he felt the same. He didn't laugh at him.

There was two things in the way of a beautiful love story, Mia and Will's Pride. It wasn't that Will disliked the lgbtq+ community or anything like that, but he did know what people would think of him, would they care.

Will decided to keep there love hidden from the world, hidden from Mia, hidden from everyone. Will knew Mia felt his distance, he could tell she noticed something was wrong.

Will felt horrible about it but nights with him made him forget it, his soft kisses and warm hugs made him loose all his worries. Running his hands through his soft hair and the feeling of his head on his chest made it all worth it.

The day Mia realized was probably the worst day of Will's life, her holding up a picture that her friend had took of the two men cuddling into each other. One of the only times Will had ever gone out into public with him just happened to be the time her friend was there.

He wanted to deny and say it wasn't him but he couldn't. He couldn't hurt her anymore, "Mia, I'm sorry"

She screamed kicked him out, he lost her. Of course his friends took her side. He pondered whether she would have been mad if he had just told her in the beginning. Would she have even been mad?

Soon He left Will too, Will wasn't the same man he fell in love with. Will was cold and distant.

Will was alone, with no friends his youtube career was recked by the scandal, and had nothing.

He wondered if he should just ending it, but every time he thought about it he thought about everything he once had and it gave him a bit of hope.

The years went by and he got into some bad things, drugs partying things like that. When finally life caught up with him and he was on the street.

He sat and begged on the streets of London, some people would notice him and remover who he once was throwing him an extra pound.

One cold day when Will was sitting on a bench, he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, not just and hand His hand.

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