Chapter 1 - The Dressing of the Bride

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The snow was lightly falling, caressing the earth where Winterfell stood, the sun was beaming, there was a sense of calmness all around, Daenerys had never felt this sort of happiness ever since she arrived in Westeros. She looked out the window in the early morning in her chambers admiring the beauty that the north brought to her. Daenerys looked at everything around her through her window, noticing the beauty that today had brought, she wondered if the world knew she was happy and so it was happy as well, showing her all that was good.

As Daenerys was looking out of her window, she heard a knock at her chamber doors, Daenerys turned towards and Missandei had entered, along with some of Daenerys' ladies that Jon had provided to her, for this special day. The ladies unclothed Daenerys washing her gently, and preparing her gown which was made to show her Targaryen lineage, but also honour her new family that she would be marrying into, the Starks.

Daenerys had never smiled so much as she was being dressed, Missandei noticed her happiness immediately when she entered the room. Missandei saw what Jon was Daenerys' world as much as Jon's. Missandei always knew Daenerys as a fierce and fiery queen who would stop at nothing for the Iron throne, but when they arrived in Winterfell, everything seemed to change in Daenerys, all she wanted was Jon. Missandei saw a shift in Daenerys, noticing she cared more about happiness and love than power, because having power and being lonely is not something she cared for anymore, not since she met the man she would be marrying today in the early morning. 

As the ladies were done dressing their Queen, they exited Daenerys' chambers and left Missandei to do the most intimate part of Daenerys' look, her hair. Missandei made sure to braid it to show her power, but to also represent the northern family of her soon to be husband, Jon Snow.

"Your grace, it is done" Missandei told Daenerys as she showed the Queen her hair through a small mirror. Daenerys smiled, her eyes lit up as she looked through the mirror. Daenerys stood up and walked to the window to see her reflection, and to look at her whole self, the Targaryen and the Stark she had wanted to show. Daenerys loved everything, but she felt she was missing one thing...but then a knock was heard from the door of Daenerys' chambers, it was Jon. Daenerys had never been more happy to see him than now, she didn't want to spoil her look to him, but she didn't care, he meant the world to her, she wanted to see him before she would walk up the path to the weir wood tree where he would be standing waiting for her. 

Daenerys motioned for Missandei to leave them, Missandei noticed it right away, nodded and smiled at Daenerys, then exited the chambers. Jon was in awe, he had never seen her as more beautiful than now, she was glowing. He couldn't tell if it was just the early sun gleaming through her window, but she looked like a true queen, Northern and Southern. He noticed her Targaryen sigil on the front of her chest, the colour of her gloves were a dark red, but she also bore the white Stark fur all through her gown, but he had one last thing that he was wondering if she would like, a fur cloak just like his, only this one he had asked to be made was a silver colour in the middle with the fur around the edges being a bright white. 

He walked towards her grabbing her hands, as she looked into his eyes, noticing him looking at her gown, her hair, and her face, that face he could never live without, the women he would spend the rest of his life with. "you" he paused gazing at her "you are my everything" as he had a hard time getting words across due to his complete awe of what he was seeing in front of him. Jon let go of her hands for a minute grabbing the white stark cloak he had made for her. He took if off from her bed and went around her placing the white cloak gently on her back, caressing onto her shoulders, intimately securing it on her, all the while wondering how he had managed to have her, to have the Dragon Queen, a women he had always heard about while at the night watch, always stunned at her accomplishments in Mereen and Quarth, but he never knew that one day he would be marrying her, here at his home in Winterfell, all the while ruling as King in North, and she soon to be his Queen in the North. 

He kissed her from behind on the cheek, and whispered in her ear "I will see you soon" as he walked in front of her smiling back at her and exiting. As she was about to leave, she glanced at her self one last time, and couldn't believe she was looking at herself, it was her but not, she was looking at a naive young girl but at the same time a strong and independent queen, a Southern but also Northern ruler, she couldn't believe she was about to marry Jon Snow, the man she once though was her enemy.

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