Chapter 29 - Never Leave

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As the sun set, the North started to calm down. The snow outside was a light flurry and the stars shined brighter than ever. Inside Winterfell, the lords and ladies all feasted in celebration for conquering the threat to the realm, the Night King. They also mourned their loss of Bran Stark, as well as their beloved northern warrior Arya Stark. The lords and ladies were quite worried for their King, for they had heard that Jon had been wounded and that the maester was doing everything he could, but there were still no updates on their King's health.

Sansa sat at the head of the table during the feast, as she always had. But it felt so empty and lonely. Arya was not beside her annoying her, throwing food at her face but also making her laugh more than anyone could make her laugh. And Bran could not be heard, the sounds of his wheels on the wooden floor had disappeared just as he did. Sansa stared into the distance in a daze, watching everyone celebrate, but here she sat alone, all her siblings were dead she thought, except for Jon, who may not even make it through the night.

Tyrion looked over towards Sansa sitting all by herself, with tears almost falling down her beautiful rosy cheeks. Tyrion felt so much sadness for her, his sort of Wife who he felt responsibility for. Sansa had lost half her family to death while she was held by his family in Kingslanding, she had finally found her way back to them, all for her to lose her family to death once more, only one is left, Jon, who now has a family of his own.

The fire flicked and crackled in Jon's chambers as the Maester finished cleaning up his wounds. Jon layed on the bed shirtless, sweating to a point where he may lose consciousness, and his hands clenched the bedding as the Maester stitched the wound together. Daenerys stood outside of the room, she could hear her husbands cries and his hurts. Daenerys wanted to hold his hand, she wanted to comfort him, to make sure he knew he wasn't alone, but the Maester asked for no one else to be in the room as he worked on the King, he needed quiet and concentration, for he was old and needed every bit of focus that he could get.

Jon wheezed in and out, clenching the bedding. The Maester asked the nurse to place a cold cloth on the Kings head to help his fever, for that was what worried the Maester the most. The Maester could heal the wound, but Jon would have to beat his fever, that is what could take his life.

The Maester finally finished, and pulled the sheets up to cover the king, but Jon told the Maester to keep them off, he was exhausted and burning on the outside, he wanted to stay as cool as possible. The Maester bowed his head and responded, "as you wish your Grace." The Maester then gave the nurses a head gesture to follow him out of the room. The Maester and the nurse both left the room, with Jon resting on the bed with sweat dripping down his face, and a bloody bandage patching up his wound on his abdomen.

As the Maester took one step out of the room, Daenerys turned to him immediately, concerned about Jon's health. "How is he?!" Daenerys asked in a panic. " Your Grace, I healed the kings wound, but I am most worried about his fever that seems to not break. If he does not beat the fever in the next two days, we must prepare ourselves for the worst." Daenerys couldn't believe that she still may lose her husband to a fever, and answered in denial, " Jon will beat the fever, a fever cannot take down a King, there is no way!" The Maester saw the worry in Daenerys' face and the denial in her voice and tried to comfort her, but she just took a step back and couldn't make eye contact with the Maester, all she said was "I would like to see my husband." The Maester nodded, and let Daenerys be.

Tyrion walked to Sansa's side, and placed his hand on top of her hand trying to comfort her. As Sansa felt his hand, her head dropped and started to sob. The whole hall went silent, Sansa covered her face in her hands, and kept saying in her hands muffled, "where are they? Why aren't they here? We won, didn't we? They should both be here!" Tyrion whispered to her, seeing that everyone was looking at her, and asked Sansa to follow him somewhere private so she could let her emotions all out, to be comforted. "No one expects you to be put together right now, you lost the last bit of your family last night without getting to say goodbye, you don't need to feel anymore alone than you already are." Sansa grabbed Tyrion's hand and followed him out of the hall still holding her face with the other hand.

Daenerys creaked the door open into Jon's chambers, Daenerys noticed Jon was fast sleep,  or at least she thought he was. He was breathing very heavily, his mouth open and his forehead dripping with sweat. She decided to not wake him, she instead grabbed the blanket from the corner and cuddled up in the chair by the fire place. She would sleep and sit in this room until he was back on his feet, however long that may be. As Daenerys was comfortable in the chair, watching Jon sleep, Jon said something very faint with his eyes barley open, "Dany..." Dany got up immediately and walked towards him, "I'm here, I'm here." She held his hand with one hand and the other stroking his black curly hair slowly, as she sat on the edge of the bed. "I'm so hot" he moaned to her. Daenerys grabbed another cloth on the nightstand beside his bed and dipped it in cold water, and then placed it on his forehead. "I know my love, but your gonna get better, in a few days you'll be as you once were... strong, healthy, and with me." Jon tried to pull Dany closer to him, but she asked him to save his strength. Jon instead placed his hand on her belly, where she once carried their child. Dany realized he did not know if their child had made it through the long night. Dany looked at Jon in surprise, and Jon looked at Dany in sadness holding her hand tightly trying to comfort her, thinking that she had lost the baby or their child was killed during the long night after it was born. Dany looked at Jon and gave him a slight smile, "Don't worry, he is safe." Jon's face dropped in shock, he couldn't believe what Daenerys just said. Jon tried to get his words out, with tears of happiness staring to build up in his eyes, "he...? safe..?" Daenerys nodded her head with a large smile on her face, "Yes, he is safe, fast asleep in his room." Jon started to choke up, wiping his tears off her his face, " We have a son?" Daenerys responded, "We do, he is more perfect than I ever imagined." Jon had a huge smile on his, no matter the pain he was feeling, this news that he has a son with the most beautiful women in Westeros who is alive and well, vanished his pain in this moment.

Daenerys brushed away his tears off his face, she saw how happy he was, and how much their son helped his pain, even just the thought and talk of him.

Daenerys was in a deep thought stroking Jon's hair while he started to fall asleep again, but Jon recognized her deep gaze. "What is wrong?" Jon asked her softly. She looked at him, and responded, "Nothing, it's just...I'll be right back." And just like that, Daenerys kissed Jon's forehead and left the room in seconds.

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