Chapter 28 - Devestation

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As the sun started to rise, and the darkness cleared away from the long night, Bran broke into a million pieces along side Theon. Bran joined the air just as his predecessor had when his time had come.
Theon ran to Brans chair beside the tree, but it was no use, Bran the Broken was gone from existence. Theon fell to his knees in the deep snow holding the chair tightly, a tear dropped down his cheek. Theon was heartbroken that he couldn't even protect Bran when he needed him most.

In Daenerys' chambers the sun peered through the windows. The silence of the halls and the calmness outside of Winterfell was a sigh of relief. As Daenerys opened her eyes from fright of darkness, she layed her eyes on her son. He was alive and fast asleep in her arms. Daenerys kissed his small forehead, they had made it out this night alive.
Daenerys then looked around the room to see Jorah well, he was against the wall where she had lost seen him. Samwell Tarly was hiding in the corner still afraid to open his eyes as always. Tyrion was clam as he sat at the edge of the bed staring at the wide open door, and Missandei was on her knees beside an unsullied soldier holding him tightly and wailing. Daenerys placed her son in a crib beside her bed, and she walked towards Missandei in disbelief. Daenerys didn't want to believe it was him, the commander of her armies, her friend, and her family. Daenerys walked slowly almost hovering over Missandei's shoulders, and then she saw what she never wanted to see. Grey Worm was lying in his own pool of blood, he was bleeding from neck as if it had been slit. Daenerys stepped back not able to comprehend what she was seeing. Missandei wailed in grief, calling out for him, wishing to see him again back in her arms...alive.
Daenerys couldn't hold it in, she turned around quickly covering her mouth breathing heavily. Tyrion looked clam but inside he was in shock as well, he just stared out into the halls where the corpses laid outside the doors.
Daenerys couldn't breathe, it was all too much for her. Yes her son is alive, but her commander is dead, Rhaegal is probably dead, and what about Jon, what about her husband?

Daenerys finally caught her breath, and stared at Tyrion empty eyes, it was like he wasn't there. Daenerys spoke to him in a strong tone, " Tyrion...." but he did not respond, just stared. Daenerys walked closer to him and asked again, "Tyrion...!" Again no response. She then was about to yell at him again until Daenerys realized he was staring at something, someone. Daenerys turned to follow his eyes, and there she was, Arya Stark... lying right outside the doors of her chambers in her own blood as well.
Daenerys ran over to Arya's body and fell onto her knees. Daenerys felt her pulse but she was breathless, her eyes were shut and the life had slipped away from her. Arya Stark was no longer Arya Stark, only a cold lifeless body. Daenerys shut her eyes as tears ran down her face holding Aryas head on her knees. Daenerys quietly called out, "" Daenerys shook her head in disbelief, for Arya had risked everything and lost her own life.

It had been quite a few hours by now, the sun was almost fully bright and the sound of birds chirping outside could be heard. Missandei had finally stopped crying and just held Grey Worm in her knees staring into the abyss. Daenerys was still tearing up, holding Aryas body tightly to her. All of a sudden a yell from the down the halls could be heard, a mans voice that she could easily recognize, "DANY!" Daenerys' head lifted up with her eyes filled with water, she turned her head towards the direction the voice could be heard. All of a sudden Jon turned the corner to find his wife on her knees on the floor. Daenerys looked at Jon with tears running down her cheeks, Daenerys was so happy to see him but heartbroken for him to find his sister dead in her arms. Daenerys spoke softly to him, "Jon." Jon saw the sadness in her face and ran over to her, he couldn't wait to hold her back in his arms, to kiss her, to feel her again, and to meet their child. As Jon was in arms length of Dany, he stopped suddenly to realize the body in his wife's arms.

Jon looked at the body of his sister, Arya Stark with needle by her side. Tears started to fill his eyes, and then into rage. Daenerys looked up at Jon and grabbed his hand by his side and said, "I am so sorry my love." Jon held Dany's hand and covered his face with the other. Jon's wails broke Dany's heart. Jon fell to his knees and kept yelling, Arya! Not my sister! for hours. Finally Jon had been able to clam himself as Dany held him close to her. Jon took a deep breath and got up from the floor, he was about to call for the remaining Stark soldiers to take his sisters body away so they can give her a proper Stark burial. But just as he was about to yell out, Jon started to stumble and then all of a sudden fell hard onto the floor. Daenerys screamed in worry, "JON!" She shuffled over to his side and saw blood stains flowing from underneath his armour, his armour that she had never seen before. Daenerys removed the breastplate from her husband and revealed a stab wound in his left abdomen, Dany realized that he had been bleeding out for hours. Dany tried to stop the bleeding even more, she tore some of her cloth from her undergarments of her gown and tightly wrapped it around the wound. Daenerys then spoke to Jon quietly and passionately, "You will not die on me, you will not die from this, do you hear me! Daenerys finally finished wrapping the cloth around his wound and yelled out to the remaining Stark soldiers,
"Guards!! Help your King!"

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