Chapter 17 - Khaleesi

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Dany stood by her fire place staring into the flames. It seemed to be the only thing that could comfort her the past few days. As she stood there in her chambers, the door creaked open, Dany could hear footsteps walking behind her. 

"Khaleesi" Jorah said in a soft tone, addressing his Queen. She knew that voice, it was her friend, her closest advisor, and apparently the only person she could probably count on right now. Daenerys didn't turn around though, she just kept staring into the flames in silence.

Jorah walked a bit closer to her slowly, and as her got closer he could hear her weeping. Every emotion, feeling and emptiness overwhelmed Daenerys. Everything. She was alone, and the only voice that kept speaking in her head was Viserys. "No one will love us, we are dragons my sister, who could ever love a dragon." It kept repeating in her head over and over, it was breaking her because he was right, no one could ever love a dragon, at least not this one.

Dany couldn't hold it all back, she broke down almost hitting the floor. Jorah ran to her side and held her close comforting his broken Khaleesi. She held on tight to him, placing her head into his his chest, and held him close. She was sobbing, but he wasn't going to let her go, he wanted to let her know that she isn't alone, she has him. 

"Why doesn't he trust me?" she kept asking Jorah out loud while sobbing. He directed her head up to him slowly, trying to wipe away her tears. Jorah felt useless while looking at his Queen's beautiful broken face. "Who Khaleesi?" he asked her as she was starting to calm down. "Jon.. Jon Snow" she responded in grief. She spoke Jon's name as if he was gone, almost like she was mourning, as if he was never going to return to her. 

"I love him, and I thought he loved me, but...he pushes me away and I have no idea why." she sniffled. "I try and I try to fix whatever I have broken... but how can I fix something if I have no idea what I broke?" She asked Jorah. He wanted to comfort her with a response, but he truly didn't know. "I don't know my Queen" he responded. Dany looked down at the ground in sorrow. "I marry him, I carry his child... and I get pushed away" she started to get up and walk towards her bed. Jorah couldn't believe she was pregnant, but how could it be possible, there was the curse.

He followed her with his eyes. "My Queen, you are pregnant?" She lifted her eyes to him, as she nodded "yes." She placed her hands on her growing belly "I don't know how, or why, but I am. But Jon doesn't believe this is his child, at least anymore." She said shaking her head in grief. "I can't seem to understand why he would think that. "

"he is my world and my happiness, why would I ever want to break my world Ser Jorah?" she asked him proving her love for Jon Snow.

Sansa knocked on Jon's chamber doors, there was no response, but she knew he was in there. Sansa entered his chambers, she found him sitting at the edge of his bed. His arms was in his lap with his head facing the ground. "Jon." Jon didn't look up. "Jon!" she yelled at him. He looked up slighlty frustrated. She noticed his anger, she needed to know what  was going on. "This isn't you, I don't know who you are right now" she said in disappointment.

"Daenerys is sitting up in her room, broken. You are completely destroying her, every time you turn away from her. I don't know what happened between you two, nor do I want to know, but she is your wife! She is carrying your child! and this is what you do to her? I don't like her, I don't. But I know she loves you, and that's all I care about, so should you."

Jon felt horrible about himself, he was breaking his loves heart. He never wanted to do that to her, but how could he bring himself to love her again after she slept with another man and is carrying his child, at least that's what he understood from Little Finger. "the child isn't mine" Jon told Sansa sadly.

Sansa was in shook but she wanted to know how he knew this. "Why do you think that?" She asked walking closer to Jon. "Little Finger" Jon replied. Sansa sat beside Jon placing her hand on his lap. "Little Finger? The man who split apart my mother and our Aunt Lisa for political gain. A man who tried to split apart Arya and I for political gain, and is now splitting up the two most powerful people in Westeros...most likely for political gain. Do you think that's a coincidence?" She asked Jon. 

Jon understood every word of Sansa's, it made sense. Little Finger wants something he could never have, the throne. The two most powerful and influential people that are worthy of the throne was himself and Dany, and soon his child. 

Jon teared up in happiness, but then anger came over him about Little Finger. He almost got away with everything, he almost took away his happiness. Jon will never let that happen again.

Sansa kissed him on the cheek seeing that he was happy again, and that she helped. She got up from the bed, and was just about to leave the room, until she turned back around peeking through the doors before shutting it..."Jon, I think it would be best if you would go see Daenerys."

"I think she needs you" Sansa said with a small smile.

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