Chapter 25 - Winds of Winter

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The winds of winter swept through the empty halls of Winterfell. Anyone who looked out the windows only saw the blowing snow, with sparks and flames intertwined as if they were dancing. The trench built all around Winterfell was aflame, while the gusts of wind blew from all directions creating extreme difficulty for Jon to guide Rhaegal towards the ground where he planned to land, to fight for his home and family.

Inside Daenerys' chambers, the screams of the Queen echoed throughout the walls within Winterfell. Daenerys squeezed Tyrion and Missandei's hands so hard that they could hardly feel them anymore. Daenerys was leaning fully over on her bed, clenching her teeth, and holding her breath as she pushed. Samwell and the Maester both noticed that they could see the child's head, and Samwell had a slight smile on his face but he had to keep his happiness within until the child was born healthy and breathing. Sam said in a motivational manner and happiness, "Your Grace! I can see your child's head! Keep pushing!" Daenerys was a mess, and all she could hear was the clashing of swords, and her child's screathcing outside in the battle, but still...with all the chaos outside, she finally got some good news...her child was almost here, and she couldn't wait any longer.

Daenerys leaned back into her pillow behind her once more to regain the last amount of energy she had left in her and took a huge breath. Missandei leaned over towards her Queens head, still holding her resting hand, and whispered, "You're so close, only a little more and you'll have your baby in your arms." A midwife grabbed a cold wet cloth and wiped Daenerys' forehead before pushing once more. Once the midwife wiped Daenerys' forehead, she headed back to her position for the Queen to start pushing again. Missandei said encouragingly to her Queen, "One more push!" Daenerys breathed in another huge breath, sprung herself forward with all her might, and pushed with extreme force. She squeezed Tyrion and Missandei's hands with all the strength she had left, and put everything she had into her hopeful last push.

Outside, Jon finally landed on the exterior walls of Winterfell where he could easily overlook the Godswood where Bran was placed being guarded by Theon and his men. Jon wanted to get off and fight, but the plan was to wait for the Night King to go after Bran. When the Night King arrives Jon would cast Rhaegals flames on the Night King because it has never been used on him before in the history of Westeros. Jon looked around and saw that the trench was no longer holding off the wights, they had sacrificed some of their men to create a passing allowing them to reach the gates of Winterfell. Jon could hear Jaime yelling on the top of the walls, "STAND YOUR GROUND!" Jon almost went into a clear daze, he could hear the echoed screams of his men dying, the sounds of the wights tearing human flesh, the screatches of Drogon could be heard but he was almost impossible to see. Everything seemed to collide in this moment, Jon couldn't focus on anything except for the chaos around him, and the sight of flames and the darkness was the only thing he could see. For the night was truly dark, and full of terrors.

"Almost there your Grace!" Samwell yelled in excitement. Daenerys held her push a little longer, and then all of a sudden she felt all the pain slip away from her. The Maester and Samwell both yelled out loud, "Your Grace, you did it! Sam grabbed the child out from under Daenerys and took the child to the sidelines to clean. The midwife explained in excitement, "A boy your Grace!" Daenerys fell backwards onto the bed, breathing heavily in and out, relieved that the pain was over, and excited to meet her newborn son. Once Daenerys regained some thought, she realized she heard no cries, nothing came from her son. She held Missandei's hand still, and called out concerningly to the Maester, Samwell and the midwives, "Why isn't he crying?" She waited for a response, but none of them answered, they were just all huddled around in the corner of the room gathered around her child. Daenerys looked over to Missandei concerned, she needed comfort from her friend. Daenerys couldn't handle losing another child, not this one. This child was conceived by real love, she wanted this child more than anything, this child was her and Jon's miracle, their little miracle, she couldn't live with herself if this child died before he can even live. 

Daenerys looked over to Tyrion, who was staring in concern at the corner as well. Tyrion saw the heartbreak on his Queens face, so Tyrion decided to let go of his Queen's hand and see what was going on. 

Daenerys kept her eyes focused on the the huddle of people around her child in the corner, waiting for something, anything. All of a sudden the wail of her son echoed throughout the halls of Winterfell. Daenerys started to smile and cry in happiness, she couldn't believe she had a son. Daenerys yelled out in a crackling voice, "bring him to me." Sam wrapped up the child in a warm wool linen, and walked over towards Daenerys who layed on the bed in happiness, with tears running down her cheeks. Daenerys reached her hands out, and as Sam placed the crying child into Daenerys' arms he told her, "A prince, a healthy baby boy your Grace." As Daenerys took the child into her arms, she felt the warmth of his squeamish little body. She rocked and cooed at him, and held him tightly. She couldn't believe that she made this, that this was her own flesh and blood. Daenerys had tears dripping down her cheeks, and a huge smile on her face. Tyrion had never seen his Queen so happy before. Missandei, Jorah, Samwell, and Tyrion all huddled around Daenerys admiring the newborn prince. They were all so happy for new mother.

As Jon sat on top of the wall watching over the Godswood, he couldn't stand doing nothing anymore. As Jon was about to get off of Rhaegal to fight on ground, he heard the wail of a child high up in towers of Winterfell. Jon turned his head around towards where the sound of the child was coming from, Jon noticed that it was coming from Dany's chambers, it was his child that was crying! Jon was in shock, he needed to get to Dany and his child as soon as possible, but there was so much going on all around him. All of a sudden Jon noticed a sudden stop in the movements of the wights, and their heads all turned towards the towers of Winterfell where the cries of his child could be heard loud and clear. Jon couldn't believe he had been protecting Bran, when he should've been protecting his wife and child all along. Jon realized the Night King never wanted Bran, his brother was just a human connection to allow him to get here, the Night King wanted his child.

Jon got back on the top of Rhaegal and took off towards the top of the towers, but just like that Rhaegal was struck in the wing before he could even take flight by the same spear that killed Viserion. Rhaegal fell to the ground in pain, and Jon fell hard into the snow outside of the walls of Winterfell. Jon got up slowly but at the same time in determination to get to his wife and newborn child before the Night King could.

As Jon got up from the snow, he looked down at his Targaryen breastplate while hearing his child's cry. Jon felt as if his child was calling for him, for his father. Jon couldn't believe he was finally a father, but with being a father came a responsibility, and that was to protect your family no matter the cost, and that is what Jon was ready to do.

In this moment, Jon realized that neither Dany or himself was the Prince or Princess that was Promised, but really his child was what the flames of fire always prophesied.

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