Chapter 11 - Expecting

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It was Ghost. Daenerys was surprised that he was alone, Jon was no where in sight. Daenerys kneeled down on the snow, and put her hand forward. Ghost came up to Daenerys, sniffing her hand. "where is your father? Is he still inside? He left you alone outside, didn't he." Daenerys said jokingly while petting him. Ghost then moved his head downwards towards Daenerys belly, sniffing her out, almost sensing that a Stark baby was growing inside. "shhh, you must not give away my secret to your father yet" she giggled. Ghost looked back up at Daenerys, licked her on the cheek, and then ran off into the woods. 

Daenerys stood back up, and watched Ghost run off.

Meanwhile in the Great Hall, breakfast was being prepared, a huge breakfast feast. Jon wanted to celebrate Daenerys' health, and to bring her back into the folds of the northern households. There was a lot of commotion going on. The servants were preparing the plates, and the lighting. The cooks were preparing so many meals, no body wanted to count how many. The northern lords and ladies couldn't help but discuss if the King was going to address what happened with Daenerys, or if she was going to address them. Many of the ladies couldn't help but wonder if the Queen was expecting.

Jon entered the Great Hall to see how everything was running. As he entered the lords and ladies bowed "your grace, your grace, your grace, your grace." Jon nodded back all of them as he walked on through towards the front of the room. He had a huge smile on his face. The King was back to his normal, and honourable self. Everyone could see that. Everyone knew how much of an impact Daenerys had on him, and how much impact he has on her.

Daenerys entered the castle after her morning walk. She took off her fur white cloak and handed it to a servant to bring it back to her chambers. She had to head to the Great Hall right away, the feast was about to start.

Daenerys entered the Great Hall. All the lords and ladies turned and greeted her with joy. "Your majesty, your grace, your majesty we are so glad you are well" she nodded smiling at all of them and the responses. Daenerys came around to the table and took a seat beside Jon at the front of the room. Jon couldn't stop staring at her. He reached for her hand and held it as they sat beside one another. 

Everyone sat down, waiting to hear the King or Queen address something. Anything. 

Daenerys stood up, and addressed the room. "My lords and ladies. I am so glad that I am back up here healthy and well" she said proudly and smiling. " Thank you for all your patience while I was absent. Thank you for everyone who stepped up to secure the holdings and to keep everything running smoothly here in Winterfell, and in the North." Jon was glancing up at her and then at the lords and ladies. He could see many of them were quite happy to see her. "I know many of you are curious to know what had happened to me while I was gone. And soon enough you will know, I promise you that" she smiled joyfully. "But for now, Let's Eat!" she said with a proud yell. She sat down and all the lords and ladies did as well. The servants came out with all the dishes and everyone was ready to celebrate this joyous day.

Their Queen was finally well, and everything was back in order.

A servant came by to Jon and Daenerys' table and offered them wine for a drink. "Your Majesties, wine?" Jon happily accepted. Daenerys was about to accept as well, but then she remembered... she was carrying their child. Daenerys raised her hand "No thank you" she replied politely. "Yes your Grace" the servant bowed their head and left.

Daenerys placed her hands on her belly, securing her child. Trying to tell the growing child, that she will always protect them. Jon glanced over to Daenerys about to ask why she didn't want any wine. Was her illness coming back? But then Jon saw Daenerys looking down, holding her belly and smiling. Jon was confused. "Is your stomach alright, do you feel ill again?" he asked concerningly. Daenerys popped her head back up immediately and released her hands from her belly. She smiled "I'm quite alright" she responded. Jon smiled back at her and went back to eating his meal. 

Daenerys sat there for a few minutes in deep thought. Could this be a good time to tell him? Could this be the moment to tell him he is going to be a father? Daenerys thought about for a bit, and then decided it might actually be the only perfect time.

Daenerys leaned over towards Jon.

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