Chapter 8 - A Long Time Ago

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The Maester had pulled Jon aside and whispered quietly "My King, she... she had came to me a few days ago about concerns of her diet. There were no real concerns that I could identify. She told me not to tell you, because she believed you had much bigger problems to deal with. She didn't want you to worry about her." Jon listening, shaking his head. "Thank you Grand Maester, but next time, if she ever comes to you about a problem. Please... please alert me immediately." The Grand Maester nodded his head sadly "of course your grace, my apologies." The maester bowed his head and left Daenerys' chambers silently.

Jon headed over to Daenerys, where she layed on the bed sound a sleep. She was quite hot, but she had finally stopped shivering. Jon got into bed quietly, and laid beside her. Holding her close. He whispered, knowing she is sleeping and not going to hear anything. "My concern for you... doesn't even compare to any of the other problems I am dealing with." Daenerys snuggled tightly into Jons chest, still asleep. "I wish you had told me." Jon said sadly. He was so upset with himself for not knowing anything that was going on with his wife. He had been so busy with the Northern Lords and his sisters, he never asked or bothered to know how his wife had been the past few weeks.

Sansa was in the Great Hall alone, reading the messages she had received from Kings Landing a few day's ago. Cersei Lannister is asking the King and Queen in the North to swear fealty to her throne, or she will raise up her armies against the North. 

Little Finger had entered the Great Hall, with Ellya Rivers. "Ah there you are, any news yet?" Sansa asked Little Finger. "My lady, she ate the entire meal you had asked me to give her, every bit." Ellya responded in confidence. 

"My Lady, she is also quite ill, from what I have heard and have seen." Little Finger added. Sansa quite shocked by that news. "You have seen that she is ill? Are you for certain?" Sansa asked Little Finger. "Yes my Lady, I passed by her chambers to see her vommitting into her stool. This was a few minutes after she had eaten the meal Ellya had given to her." Sansa nodded her head in disbelief. "Is she alone right now?" Sansa asked. "No my lady, your bother is by her side, as is the Maester." Said Little Finger.  

"I need to see her alone. Jon needs to be somewhat distracted with something, so I can get a few minutes with her at least." Little Finger nodded. He looked at Ellya and had sent her to the task of distracting Jon. "I am quite certain." Sansa told Little Finger. "My Lady, I believe this a victory for us." Sansa questionably smiled "It is."

"My mother told me a story a long time ago, when I was little. When she was pregnant with me. The only thing she could eat was a loaf of bread, a few quail eggs, and an herbal drink to wash it all down...

" It seems to be the same for our new Queen."

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