Chapter 30 - Night of the Prince

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The music in Great Hall grew louder and louder as the celebrations ran long into the night. Winterfell had never experienced this much excitement and festivity than the day King Robert and Cersei arrived to Winterfell, the day that would determine her families lives forever Sansa thought as she stared out to the festivities through the cracks in walls separating her from the Great Hall. Tyrion stood behind Sansa watching her stare out through the cracks of the walls without her saying a word since she broke down in the Great Hall. Tyrion spoke once more, "Sansa..." Sansa didn't turn around but responded, "There is nothing left that I could possibly say. There is nothing worth saying." Tyrion walked a bit closer, but she snipped back, "Why did I ever go with your family to Kingslanding many years back? Why did I only think about what I wanted and not what I had?" Tyrion responded to these odd questions with a confused but saddened face, "To be honest...I am not too sure. Joffrey was a monster the day you met him, my family did not leave a great impression when we arrived. I'm honestly not too sure what drove you to the decision of coming with us to that shit of a city." Sansa giggled a bit, but still choked up, "Neither do I, if only I had chosen differently."

Jon layed in bed almost half asleep again, it had been a few hours since Daenerys had left him lying there alone. Jon thought to himself, maybe she fell asleep, it was pretty late, or maybe she joined in the feast that could be heard all throughout the halls of Winterfell. Jon layed on the bed wishing he could be celebrating with his people, he tried to get one foot out of the bed but it hurt too much to do so, as he layed there trying to lift his leg back into bed painfully, Daenerys cracked the door open slightly cradling a small sleeping child in her arms. Jon looked over to Daenerys about to ask her where she had been, but then he realized... she had brought their son to him. The child he never though both of them could ever have, the child they both deserve. Jon was overwhelmed and too chocked up to even say anything, he just reached out his arms to Dany as she walked slowly towards him smiling at their beautiful baby boy and back at Jon. 

Daenerys sat at the edge of the bed, looking at her beautiful baby boy while placing him in Jon's arms. Jon held the child so carefully and delicately, as if he was afraid of hurting him. Daenerys saw the fragile way Jon was holding him, so she sat even closer to him, side by side, and held their baby boy close to both of them. Jon had a little tears of happiness and joy rolling down his cheeks, he couldn't believe he has a son with the most beautiful women in the entire Seven Kingdoms. "He looks just like you" Daenerys told Jon calmingly, as if the world had finally stopped moving and this moment is all that matters. Jon stroked his sons hair gently, and kissed him on the cheek, trying to not wake up his little boy. Jon looked at Dany and pulled her close to him, as she leaned on his shoulder sitting on the bed, and he kissed her head lovingly, Jon said quietly to her, "He is perfect, everything and more than I imagined. And you... I love you so much than words can ever tell you." Dany smiled like the day they flew to the Waterfall, as she snuggled closer into his arms both cradling their beautiful little boy, she responded, "I love you just the same, more than you may know it."

The festivities continued on throughout the Night, and Sansa could not face the Great Hall for the rest of the night, for it hurt her to be alone at the head of the table with all her siblings gone forever. Sansa went upstairs by herself up to Jon's room to see how he was doing, he was the only family member she had left, and she wasn't going to let him get taken away by the God of Death, just like Arya and Bran. Sansa opened the door silently, thinking Jon would be sleeping to gain his strength back, but she walked into a sleeping Daenerys and Jon snuggling on the bed, with a baby in the crib beside them. The baby was making coo cooing sounds, not loud enough for Jon or Daenerys to hear but for someone to pick the child up. Sansa was going to wake the sleeping parents, but instead she decided to walk to the child's crib and look in. Sansa saw this beautiful baby boy, smiling and awake, Sansa felt almost at peace when she looked at him, she didn't know his name, but she knew he was a Stark, he was another member of her family, and she would never let anyone else harm her family ever again. Sansa placed her hand into the crib and the baby grasped his little hand around her thumb, and Sansa looked at him. He was very intrigued by her hand and was playing her thumb, Sansa saw Jon's facial features in him, and his eyes were those dark brown brooding eyes than could never be mistaken. But his hair was silver, just as a Targaryen, but it was soft and little curls dropped from the back and a bit in the front of his little hat that was placed on the top of his head to keep his ears warm. Sansa could not pull away from this little bundle of joy, she pulled a chair right beside the crib and sat with him all night long, this little boy, her brother and the Dragon Queen, who she though she could never likes child, made her happier than she ever could have imagined.

In the early morning, the birds called out, and the sun was peeking through the ground shining its light the window into Jon's chambers. Daenerys woke up as the sun shone on her eyes, she looked over towards her baby's crib, and saw that Sansa had fallen asleep right beside him, Daenerys got up and smiled a bit but was quite confused as to when she had gotten up here. Daenerys saw her baby boy was awake, and she smiled right down at him and he smiled right back up reaching his little arms towards his momma. Daenerys tapped Sansa gently, and Sansa lifted up her head slowly, realizing Daenerys was hovering over her and she had fallen asleep on the crib. Sansa apologized quite quickly, "I'm sorry, he was awake, and I came to check on Jon, I didn't want to wake you two, it just honestly happened so fast, I fell asleep...." Daenerys stopped her flustered apology and smiled at her, "It's alright, there is no need to apologize, you are his aunt, he is your family as much as he is ours. And it seems to me he quite likes you." They both looked at the smily baby boy and how he grasped Sansa's thumb once more. Sansa and Daenerys both looked at the baby boy smiling, Sansa looked up at Daenerys, "May I?" Daenerys wasn't quite comfortable with Sansa holding their newborn boy, but she recognized that Sansa would never harm her family, and that this boy was her family. Daenerys responded, "Of course." Sansa picked him up calmingly and cradled him in his arms, she starred at the baby once more, loving him with every movement, Sansa became curious as to what his name his, or does he even have one yet. Daenerys placed her hand on the top of his tiny head smiling at her boy as Sansa cradled him, Sansa then looked at Daenerys, and asked her "What is his name?" Daenerys looked back at her and whispered quietly so that Jon wouldn't hear as he was still fast sleep, "Arya actually asked me the same question before she had died, I never got the chance to tell her. But between you and me, Jon still doesn't know what I want to name him nor have I told him yet, but I wanted to combine both the Starks and the Targaryens family history into his name, for he is both, his name is Prince Raegon.

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