Chapter 14 - Quick Tempers, Slow Minds

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As much as Little Finger loved Sansa, he still needed to play out his motives to get what he wants the most, The Iron Throne. 

Little Finger's key to the Throne is Sansa, and Sansa unlocks the greatest power of all, the heir to the Irone Throne, her brother Jon Snow.

Little Finger didn't have to sit on Throne. All he needed to do was put Sansa or Jon on the Throne and have their ears. It would make him untouchable.

Little Finger knew a dark secret told to him many years ago when Sansa was barely a women. One of his spies in the North told him when he was in King's Landing serving Joffrey, that Sansa Stark had feelings for her father's bastard. 

He had too much information to make this work to his advantage. He has the information of Sansa having feelings for Jon, Jon Snow was the true Heir to the Iron Throne, and there was rumours going around Winterfell that many of the men can't take their eyes off Daenerys.

Little Finger headed down into the crypts of Winterfell, Jon was brooding looking at his mothers statue. Little Finger walked towards the King in the North, already starting conversation. "My King" Jon turned around disgusted to see Little Finger. Jon never cared for that man, he plays the game no matter the cost.

"Men like you shouldn't be down here" Jon said looking back at Lyanna's statue annoyed. "I honestly disagree, men like me are mean't for these sorts of places, how else are we supposed to gain information in secret?" Little Finger responded. Jon did not respond. Little Finger knew what he mean't, but decided to flip his comment into a web of deceits. "Why are you down her?" Jon asked after a few minutes of silence. "My King, I have information I believe you would find deeply important." Little Finger turned towards Jon. 

"My spies tell me things about your Queen. Men look at her, they long for her, some might say they have....fantasies about her. But my spies tell me you already know that your men look at her, way too many of them in fact." Jon's blood was fuming, he tried not to show any reaction towards Little Fingers words, but it was getting harder and harder as he went on. "She is your wife, and is supposedly carrying your child." Jon barged in "She is carrying my child" he shouted back at him angrily.

"My King I know she is with child, but do we know for sure it is yours? I mean the timing doesn't quite make sense?" Jon couldn't take it anymore. He grabbed him by the neck and pushed him into the wall, chocking Little Finger close to death. Little Finger tried to barge Jon's hands off his neck, but Jon was too strong for him. "If you touch my wife, or my child. I will kill you with my two bare hands." Jon let go aggressively of his neck, and stormed out of the crypts.

Little Finger wiped his close with his hands. "Ah the Starks, quick tempers, slow minds."

As Jon walked out of the crypts it was snowing fairly hard, and as Jon looked up he saw Sansa on the top balcony. Jon and Sansa caught each others eyes, but said or did nothing. Jon kept eye contact walking back into Winterfell, but once she was out of his view the eye contact was lost. Sansa saw anger in him. Sansa assumed it was because of what she had said to him earlier, about how some of the northern lords may not accept his child's bloodline.

What she didn't know, was that he had many questions. 

Questions for one of her least favourite people in the North, Daenerys of House Targaryen.

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