Chapter 34 - Raise Your Banners

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As the warm air blew gently in the North, the changing colour of the leaves as they slowly fell off the trees all around, and the long grass, almost knee height rubbed against the fabric of the clothing the young prince wore, he called out in laughter, "Alyssane!" As he chuckled running after his younger sister who trailed far in front of him as she giggled in glee, her cream silken gown brushing against the sweet grass below. "You're too slow Raegon!" she called out running as fast as she could from him in a little game they always liked to play growing up, yet this game has changed in many ways, in ways many would disagree with, yet they couldn't help it, it was a game they were both willing to play either way.

Raegon and Alyssane, only one year apart from each other, had grown up very close to one another due to the small age difference in one another. Raegon had grown into a fine young man, a man of only 17, yet he had all the ambition, the authority, and steady minded thinking a future King of the Seven Kingdoms needed, and Alyssane, well she intigured him in many ways, for they were similar, yet very different. Alyssane had the dark raven hair as her father, it fell all the way down to her lower back. Alyssane never took a liking to the politics of Westeros, nor did she care very much what was going on the world of wars between waring houses. Alyssane cared far more in beauty, and nature. She longed for peace, she wanted nothing more for their to only be love in the world, yet she knew that would never happen for a long time. Alyssane was spitting image of her mother, yet her hair was her fathers, as were her eyes, yet Raegon was the spitting image of his father, yet with the silver Targaryen hair of his mother, and the purple eyes to go with it.

The two young dragons had every intention of following their parents plans they had for both of them, especially Raegon, for he knew his duty the moment he was born, yet he also wanted it just as much as them, for him to sit on the Iron Throne, to take back his families legacy, and the time had finally come. Yet, he didn't plan on the chance of having his beautiful sister, Alyssane, on the throne beside him, it just, cant help who you fall in love with.

Raegon's smile got larger and larger as he caught closer and closer to Alyssane that was mere seconds to being in his arms, but Alyssane never gave up a fight, she found ever last inch of energy inside her, running as fast and far as she possibly could through the sunny wood area surrounding Winterfell. "No Raegon" she laughed in a shock, as she turned her head over her shoulder to see how close he was to her, and he was far to close to her liking, yet when she looked ahead she could see their horses in the far distance, all she had to do was make it back to them and she would win, "Alyssane I am not going to let you win!" he spoke loudly, his black tunic hanging loosely on his bare chest, as he got inches away from her.

Alyssane could almost feel the horses in her fingers, yet just as she was about to reach them, she felt two arms wrap around her tiny waist, pulling her down into the soft long grass. Both of them falling into the grass giggling with the last bit of breathe in their lungs, Raegon on top of Alyssane who both stared into one another eyes.

As both of them looked into one another eyes, they never expected this to happen, nor did they want it too. Yet here they were, Alyssane slowly cupped Raegons face in her soft delicate hands that smelled of lavender. They knew that if anyone knew of what had grown between the two of them, all hell would break loose, yet they didn't care, because they had fallen for each other in a short matter of time, yet they had grown up so close to one another, how could it not happen, at least that is what they always told themselves every time they felt guilty of what had become of the two.

Alyssane didn't say a word as she held Raegon's warm red face in her hands, yet her eyes said everything, as they turned sad towards him, but he knew exactly. "What is it?", he asked, whilst gently brushing the strand of hair out of her face so he could see her full beauty. "Do you really need to leave today?" She stared up at him, her face saddened by the very thought that in a few hours he would leave her for many months to prepare for the war he had been destined to fight since the second he was born in the Long Night. Alyssane just couldn't bare the thought of him not being in her presence for months, to kiss his lips, his warm hugs, his gentle touch, everything that she loved so dearly about him, would be gone for a very long time, and his life will be on the line every second of those months. "You know I must go..." he said sweetly, his beautiful eyes speaking such honesty, yet Alyssane barged in, "I know you must but..." Raegon interrupted, "but...once I take the Iron Throne, I will have you on the Throne beside me, the second I sit upon what is rightfully ours," he gazed upon her face below his, so close, they could feel each others warm breathe upon each others faces. "You promise?" Alyssane stared up at him, looking between both his soul sucking purple eyes, and down to his soft tender lips, for the lips both neither could resist. Raegon knew the pain he was going to put Alyssane through when he is away, but he couldn't bring her, it would set off alarms as to why she was ever requested, unless there was something more going on, it was safer for their love to stay hidden if she stays in Winterfell with the rest of their siblings. Alyssane turned her head away from him to the side, she just couldn't bare the pain, and looking at him hurt her even more, knowing that face would be gone in a matter of hours. "Hey.." Raegon said softly, nudging her face, back to his with a gentle touch of his hands. He saw her little mouth drop into a sad pout, yet he knew just exactly what she needed, even if it wasn't anything, he leaned down towards her, planting a soft kiss on her lips, her arms wrapping gently around his neck.

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