Chapter 16 - Ice and Fire

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"We will build the rest of the trench here, which will be lit by Drogon during the battle when our men must fall back" Jon explained to the lords, ladies and the commanders for the Great War. 

Jon had been quite quiet this entire morning during this council meeting with the Lords, and Sansa had recognized it. She couldn't help but wonder if he is, or was ever upset about what she told him. About the questions that he will receive once the lords of North find out about his and Daenerys incest child, and the bloodline this child may bring; greatness or madness. They were both sides of the same coin, and Targaryens always danced too close to both. 

The council meeting had ended, all the lords started to clear out, the only ones left were Jon and the Starks. Sansa looks over towards Jon, his head was facing down towards the ground. Jon knew that Sansa was looking at him, about to ask him something. Jon nodded his head slightly and left the room without saying a single word to any of them.

Arya noticed that Jon was agitated, she tried to go after him after he left but Sansa held her back. "give him time" Sansa told Arya as she held her by her sleeve. Arya tugged her sleeve from Sansa's hand, "he needs someone, he needs me" Arya told Sansa defiantly. Bran entered the conversation in a cold mannered way "Sansa, you must talk to him." Sansa and Arya both looked at Bran questionably. They both knew Jon preferred Arya much more than Sansa, if anyone should talk to him it should be Arya. But they also wondered why Daenerys has not been present the past few days. Sansa knew she was pregnant, but still, she was in her early stages, she should be present. After all she is the Dragon Queen, she never stays still, she fights like a dragon.

Sansa felt something was off, if it wasn't Jon it was Daenerys. If it wasn't Daenerys it was Jon. One or the other, they weren't a team, and Sansa knew it.

Instead of heading to Jon, Sansa went to talk with Daenerys. Sansa knocked gently on Daenerys' doors. "Come in" Daenerys responded to the knock. Dany was sitting by the fire, all bundled up. Sansa could see the slight growing baby bump, and she smiled, but as Sansa looked up towards Daenerys' face, she could see that Daenerys must have been crying for hours shortly before she arrived.

Sansa looked extremely concerned. She closed the door behind her, and turned towards Daenerys. Sansa was still standing by the doors looking at Daenerys. Dany kept her head down as if she was mourning. Sansa couldn't understand what had happened between the two in such a short matter of time that was affecting them so greatly. Sansa was relieved though that the problem wasn't her.

Sansa didn't know how to start the conversation. Between Jon being irritated and Daenerys being in a very fragile and broken state, Sansa thought it was best to just leave the room, and let the two settle down.

Later into the day, Jon held a council in the Great Hall to fill the rest of the northern lords in about the tactics that will be placed and used during the Great War to come.

All were present, Jon and Daenerys sat separated apart from each other, and Sansa sat in the middle between the two. Jon discussed with the lords about their plans of the trench, and who will be building and where. Grey worm listened to Jon but won't follow any of his orders until his Queen confirms the plan. 

The council ended with an agreement between all the lords, everyone was on track with what was to be put into place to make this War work in their favour. Everyone wanted to fight for the living, none of them wanted to fight for the dead, and they will do whatever it takes to keep it that way.

One by one the Lords and Ladies of the north were clearing out, Jon stood up as if he was about to leave. Daenerys stood up in an instance, trying to go towards him, as if she wanted to say something to him. Jon kept his head down, just as he did to his siblings earlier in the day. But Jon didn't nod this time, he just kept his head down trying not to make any eye contact with Dany and walked immediately away from her, out of the Great Hall.

Daenerys was taken back from this, and everyone saw it. Daenerys looked absolutely broken, that was the last straw for her. Daenerys took a deep and saddened breath and walked out of the Great Hall, the opposite direction of which Jon went, trying to hold back her tears.

Daenerys had lost her only security and protection in a very short matter of time, and she was lost. Having the only person she trusts and loves the most, purposely avoiding her, was breaking her and she didn't know if she can be pulled back from this.

Sansa and the rest of Jon and Daenerys advisors just witnessed what had just happened, and were all concerned. The two of the most influential people to fight in the Greatest War known to men were divided, but everyone including all the people in Westeros, needed them to be united, or else they are all lost.

They needed to bring Ice and Fire Together.

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