Chapter 6 - Conflict and Hope

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"Its been almost a month, and my appetite only consists of berries" Daenerys telling the maester of her concerns. "Your Grace, sometimes when it's that time of month in a women's life... women tend to crave other delicacies more than others" Daenerys shaking her head "but it is not that time of the month for me. I'm not craving berries anymore, but it's just the only food that I seem to not feel sick every time I look at it." The maester listening in curiosity "well there's not much concern, berries are good for a persons health so...if this continues for another few weeks, check in with me again, and I will see if there is something more going on." Daenerys listening intently and nodding "Thank you for your time Grand Maester." The Maester nodded his head and started to head out of Daenerys chambers when... "Oh, and Grand Maester" Daenerys stopping him, the Maester turned back facing Daenerys by the door "Yes, your Grace?" "Could you not mention these concerns to Jon, he'll get worried, and anyways my eating problems seem to be harmless. He has much bigger problems to deal with at the moment." The Maester nodded agreeing "Yes your Grace, of course...for now at least." The Maester then left Daenerys chambers. "For now" Daenerys said whispering to herself, in her bedchambers alone.

Jon knocked firmly on Sansa's bed chambers, "Come in" Sansa replied. Jon stormed in furiously. Both Sansa and Arya looked quite shocked at how Jon had entered, they had never seen him like this before. "Arya I will speak with you later, but I would like to have a word with Sansa alone" Said Jon firmly, staring at Sansa but directing his words too Arya. Arya walked out leaving Sansa with Jon. "What has gotten into you?" Sansa said concerningly. "What has gotten into me? You should be asking yourself" Jon replied annoyed. "Daenerys has been...." "Oh I see now, this is about Daenerys... of course it is." Sansa said annoyingly, sitting down at her desk chair. "Yes it is about Daenerys, I don't care if you like her or not, but she is my wife, but I'm quite certain you already know that. Sansa looking up for a quick second. "She is also your Queen! You may call yourself Lady of the North, but you are nothing more than that, you seem to be forgetting that lately." Jon said proudly while standing there looking at Sansa, who is barely listening to him. Sansa did not care about anything Jon had to say, even his insults did not affect her.

Not even looking at Jon, just at her papers on her desk, responds "Jon if she means so much to you, stop trying to convince everyone else....If she is so amazing, and kind, and perfect, like you try convincing me about everyday, why don't you just let her prove herself." 

Jon irritably listening "As you said, she is Queen in the North now. And I'm sure she is quite capable of dealing with the northern lords and ladies, as well as myself."

Jon huffing angrily, but annoyed and still understanding his sisters words. Jon leans over on her desk to get her attention "Let this be the last time we have a discussion about her, I hope that's clear." Sansa looking at him coldly and Jon looking at her the same. Jon leans off from Sansa's desk about to leave, and as he opens the door, Little Finger is waiting outside. "My King" Little Finger bowing his head. Jon completely annoyed, just barges his way out of the room, past Little Finger. Little Finger notices Sansa looking at him from her desk, and he gives her a questionable smirk.

"Missandei, have you ever....have you ever had times during your monthly course, where you couldn't eat anything but one type of food?" Daenerys asking curiously. "No you grace, just on and off. My stomach sometimes doesn't agree with sorts of food, but that's all." Daenerys nodding slightly, feeling concerned. As Missandei is braiding Daenerys hair "May I ask why, your Grace?" Daenerys swallowed, "Well all I have been able to eat for the past month are berries. That's it. Nothing else. The maester suggested it was my monthly course, but It's not that time, nor has been for a bit." Missandei listening questionably.

 "Your Grace, did the maester suggest pregnancy, by any chance?" Daenerys turning sharply around too Missandei. "I can never have children, you know that." "Your grace, I didn't mean to offend, it's just what you're describing is one of the many early signs of pregnancy." Daenerys was turning back around slowly, allowing Missandei to braid her hair again. Daenerys knows the curse she was given years ago, she could never have children... with anyone in-fact. Even if she were pregnant, the last time her and Jon had been intimate with one another was on their wedding day. It would be way too early for signs.

"No, I couldn't be with child, the curse doesn't allow me to, and the last time Jon and I were intimate was on our wedding day, so it would be too early to tell." Missandei smiling. "Your Grace, what about the boat?" Daenerys was shocked that Missandei knew about the Boat Sex she had with Jon, when they were heading to Winterfell. 

Daenerys smiling shyly "You knew?" Missandei smiling while giggling "everyone knew you grace, whoever was on the boat that night heard you two." Daenerys smiling and giggling "Well the timing would make sense..." Daenerys had a glimpse of possibility, but then shook her head, "No, it's impossible, there is still the curse." Missandei still braiding Daenerys hair, questionably asked...

"Maybe... she wasn't a reliable source of information"

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