Part 20 - Day of Judgement

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In the cold evening, Sansa was on the outer balcony of Winterfell, looking out towards the King's Road which is now fully covered with blankets of snow. She gazed out into the distance, knowing what she must do, and what is best for her family. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, finalizing her thoughts and how this must be done. She then opened her eyes and told her soldier standing nearby "have my sister brought to the Great Hall" and walked away.

Sansa and Bran both sat at the front of the Great Hall awaiting their sister. The Dorthraki, Unsullied, the Vale, Advisors and the Northern Lords and Ladies were all present, except for their King and Queen. It was silent in the Great Hall, and silence was never a great thing when it came to a hearing in the Great Hall.

A few moments later, the doors entering the Great Hall swung open, Arya had entered with two soldiers following behind her, leading her towards the centre of the room to await justice from her two siblings. Everyone in the room were surprised to see that Arya Stark, their own northern blood, was on trial instead of an outsider or traitor. They were curious...what had this Stark girl done to betray her own family.

Arya stood in front of her sister, Sansa nodded to the two soldiers beside Arya to step away from her and move to the side. Arya looked quite shocked of what was happening, she looked towards Lord Royce who was standing on the sidelines for some sign of what was going on, but all he did was stare straight into her eyes with no emotion or care of what was about to happen. Arya then heard the door entering towards the Great Hall being closed behind her, that was not a great sound. She knew, ever since she was little girl, whenever her father would shut the door behind the person standing in the centre of the room, right where she is now, they never left. 

Arya then turned looking to the left of her at Little Finger who was standing near one of the stone  poles, he had this little smirk on his face as if he was the smartest man in the world. All Arya could think was, will see about that.

Arya then looked back up towards her sister and asked quite calmly, "are you sure you want to do this?" Sansa looked at Arya in silence and then responded, "it's not what I want, it's what honour demands?" Arya again asked Sansa, "and what does honour demand?" Sansa told Arya that "I defend my family from those who would harm us, that I defend the North and those who would betray us." Arya understood Sansa's words, it made complete sense. Arya looked down towards the ground as if she was ready to await whatever justice she deserved, and for what she was being punished for. Arya had killed many people ever since her father was executed in Kings Landing, but which kills brought her to this moment. Arya then glanced back up to her sister and said in a cold manner, "alright then...get on with it." Sansa then stated the crimes that were on trial, "You stand accused of murder, you stand accused of do you answer these chargers," she looked to the right of her instead of Arya, took a quick pause and then continued.. "Lord Baelish."

Little Finger's eyes widened completely in shock, he had no idea what to do or how to respond. Everyone in the Great Hall turned their eyes all on Little Finger. Arya gave a quick smirk at the ground and then turned to Little Finger very proudly. It was completely silent, you could hear the Northern Winds whispering outside the walls. Little Finger looked like a helpless little bird, who can't seem to fly away from this one. Everyone was waiting for a response from Little Finger but Arya didn't have that much patience, she leaned towards Little Fingers direction and told him "my sister asked you a question." Little Finger looked at Arya and saw the exact same smirk he gave to her a few moments before. 

Little Finger then turned to Sansa knowing she's the only one who he thought he had somewhat fooled, he asked her "Lady Sansa, forgive me...I'm a bit confused." Sansa leaned off from her chair a bit and gave him a confused expression, and then asked him, "which charges confuse you? Let's start with the simplest one. You murdered our aunt Lysa Arryn. You pushed her through the moon door and watched her fall, do you deny it? There was a little pause, and then Little Finger responded "I did it to protect you." Sansa replied, "You did it to take power in the Vale. Later you conspired to murder Jon Arryn, you gave Lysa tears of Lyse to poison him, do you deny it?"Little Finger was shocked, his face told everyone what they needed to know so far, but still Little Finger responded, "whatever your aunt might have told you, she was a troubled women," Little Finger walked towards the centre of the room where Arya was standing and continued, "She imagined enemies everywhere." Sansa then interrupted him and continued proving the crimes he has committed, "You had our aunt Lysa send a letter to our parents telling them it was the Lannisters who murdered Jon Arryn, when really it was you. The conflict between the Starks and the Lannisters, it was you who started it, do you deny it?" Again Little Finger denied it, and said, "I know of no such letter," but Sansa ignored his false answers and continued in anger, "You conspired with Cersei Lannister and Joffrey Baratheon to betray our father Ned Stark. Thanks to your treachery, he was imprisoned and later executed on false charges of treason, do you deny it!?" Little Finger responded immediately this time, "I deny it! None of you where there to see what happened, none of you knows the truth."

All of sudden Bran said in quiet manner, "You held a knife to his throat." Little Finger then turned around slowly to Bran in astonishment, how did this boy know that. Bran continued once he made eye contact with Little Finger "You said, I did warn you not to trust me."Everyone was quiet once again, but this just proved how guilty Little Finger was, and also made everyone question, what are some other things has Little Finger done in their lifetime that they don't even know about.

Arya then broke the silence and said from behind Little Finger, pulling out Catspaw, "You told our mother this knife belonged to Tyrion Lannister, but that was another one of your lies, it was yours." Little Finger swung his head back up immediately to Sansa, and ran up to her, placing his hands on the table in front of her, "Lady Sansa, I've known you since you were a girl, I've protected you," Sansa interrupted, "you protected me by selling me to the Boltons." Little Finger shock his head and said in a panic type of way, "if we could speak alone, I can explain everything." Sansa then leaned back into her chair, and she knew it was time to end his apologies and fake denials. Sansa told him, "Sometimes when I'm trying to understand a persons motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What's the worst reason you have for turning your King against his Queen?" Little Finger pulled back, he finally understood that he was on trial for going against his own King and Queen, which mean't they knew what he was trying to do, and that this was his punishment to him. Sansa then continued, "That's what you do, isn't it? Thats what you've always done. Turned family against family, turned sister against sister, that's what you did to our mother and aunt Lysa, that's what you tried to do us, and that's what you tried to do with my brother and his Queen." 

Little Finger knew the only way he could maybe get out of this was to beg Sansa for a chance to defend himself, "Sansa Please." Sansa told Little Finger calmly, "I'm a slow learner...It's true...but I learn." Little Finger replied, "Give me a chance to defend myself, I deserve that." Sansa leaned back into her chair, looking as if she was offering this time for him to defend himself. All of sudden the doors entering the Great Hall swung open, and Daenerys entered with Grey Worm following behind her. Little Finger turned around quickly, noticing the Dragon Queens fiery face when they made eye contact. The King was know where insight, but it didn't matter, Daenerys was the Queen in the North, and she held the exact same power that Jon possesses.

Daenerys walked right past Little Finger. Baelish looked as if he was about to cling to Daenerys coat for mercy, but she gave him a look that killed any hope he might have. Daenerys walked towards the two the Stark sisters in front of the room, and took her seat beside Sansa.  Little Finger stared into Daenerys eyes for a few seconds, and the thought of death frightened him.

Little Finger decided to run up to Lord Royce in a last minute attempt to flee, "I'm lord protector of the Vale, and I command you to escort me safely back to the Eyrie!" Lord Royce had witnessed and heard both sides of the Starks and Little Fingers, he knew which side was just and which was unjust. Lord Royce responded too Little Finger in a cold manner, "I think not." Little Finger's mouth dropped, he couldn't believe that this might be it,  for the first time he had nobody fooled.

Little Finger stumbled back to the centre of the floor, and dropped to his knee's in front of the Starks and the Queen in the North. He had never been so useless and vulnerable until this moment, and it made the Starks and Daenerys proud. Little Finger started to cry and asked Daenerys, "My Queen...I beg you. I love your sister in-law." Daenerys turned to Sansa and then back to Little Finger slowly, "and yet you betrayed her." Little Finger took a quick pause, trying to stop his tears, and then responded back to Daenerys, "I loved you... more than any ruler I've ever served." Daenerys felt fire in her, but she held it all together and responded in a calm manner, "and yet you betrayed me...and my husband, your King." Daenerys stood up from her chair infront of the room, and continued, "When I first arrived in Winterfell, you told me there's no justice in the world not unless we make it." Daenerys then glanced over towards Arya giving her the ready to do what need's to be done. Daenerys looked back at Little Finger, and spoke to him one last time, "thank you for all your many lessons Lord Baelish...we will never forget them."

Arya walked towards Little Finger immediately, and just as he tried to beg another time, Arya slit his throat with her dagger before he could get a single word out. 

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