Chapter 24 - Birth

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"The Queen must push now! It's our only chance of saving them both," Tyrion told the Maester sternly. "Your Grace...," Tyrion interrupted the Maester before he could have another chance of explaining why not pushing would be the best option in this circumstance. "Maester...please. Look at her, her health is detiriorating the longer we tell her not to push. We cannot lose our Queen, or we are all lost," Tyrion explained to the Maester one last time, for they have been going back and fourth for hours. This was hopefully the last time Tyrion had to explain his process of thought to the Maester. The Maester looked over at Daenerys who was laying in extreme pain on the bed, holding Missandei's hand weakly. You could see the sweat dripping down her beautiful porcelain face, and the blood flowing down below. They were running short on time, so finally the Maester accepted Tyrion's proposition, and sent order to prepare for the arrival of the royal child.

The midwives entered Daenerys' chambers in a hurry, they're faces told the story of what they could see and hear outside the walls of Winterfell. Their faces showed fear, and the sense of the death that was on the march. Arya Stark stood by the door inside Daenerys' chambers on watch of what was outside the doors, and what may be close to entering the room. While some of the strongest members of the Dorthraki and Unsullied positioned just outside of Daenerys' chambers to protect their Queen, and their soon to be heir.  As the midwives were preparing, Tyrion told Missandei to start getting Daenerys to push. Missandei held Dany's hand, and told her in an encouraging manner, "Your have to push now." Daenerys' head was leaned back on the pillow behind her, with sweat pouring down her face. Her once beautiful hair was now in a knotted mess, but still Daenerys responded very weakly, "I will not...give birth to my child now... not today, I can't Missandei." Daenerys started to tear up a bit, and her voice broke Missandei's heart, "This can't be child won't be safe out here in this world, I need my child to stay in my belly until the war is won. I need Jon.... I want him!" Daenerys then felt a contraction, and screamed in pain, with tears pouring out of her eyes, "I need my husband! I can't do this without him!" 

Missandei turned her head at Tyrion slightly, and shook her head telling Tyrion that their Queen is not willing to push. Tyrion looked down at the ground, worried about losing their Queen. He stared at the ground for a bit, thinking about some way to get his Queen to push. If Daenerys doesn't push in the next few hours...she will lose not only her life, but her child's life in the process. Tyrion couldn't fathom the idea of losing the one person who could truly make a difference in this world, the Queen he choose, the Queen he believes with his whole heart. Tyrion walked over towards the opposite side of the bed that Missandei was at, and leaned over and held Dany's other hand. "Your Grace, I know you're scared. I know this wasn't the circumstances you planned on giving birth in, but....if you don't push in the next few hours, you will lose everything." Daenerys was sobbing in pain, leaning back in her pillow holding both Missandei with one hand and Tyrion's with the other. Tyrion then continued, his heart broken by the pain in his Queen's face, but he was not willing to give up on her. "Now, on the count of 3, I need you to push. I promise you, that I will not let you or your child die here in this room tonight. But all I need you to do is push, alright?" Daenerys heard Tyrion's words, and she knew she would have push one way or another. But Dany had a horrible feeling that if she brings her child into the world tonight, they will both die no matter what, and she didn't want to see her little miracles beautiful face and then watch her child be killed in front of her eyes in a matter of seconds. But she gave a slight nod to Tyrion's words. Tyrion saw his Queen's nod and responded, "okay...alright, in a count of three, I need you to push. One...Two...Three!" Daenerys held both Tyrion, and Missandei's hand and thrusted herself forward from the pillow, screaming and finally pushing for the first time.

Outside the Walls of Winterfell, the sounds of Drogon were heard above Winterfell quite clear, while the screatching of Rhaegal could be heard in the distance moving around. Jon was in the air on Rhaegals back, flying valiantly through the sky. Jon was searching for the enemy he had spent his entire life focused on, the Night King, but Jon could see nothing in the air. The army of the dead brought winter with them, which meant a snow storm that no living man could see through, not even a Dragon. Jon was blinded by the snow, he was crashing into the surrounding trees, until all of a sudden a blue flame shot below Rhaegal and himself, chasing him in mid-air. Jon steered Rhaegal in directions that were quite sudden, trying to avoid the flames that came from Viserion, the same Dragon Jon saw fall to his death into the icy waters beyond the wall. Once Jon got Viserion off his trail, Jon finally saw the trench lit, guiding him back to Winterfell where he planned to eventually fight on the ground to help his men, and to protect his brother Bran.

Through the halls of Winterfell it was dead silent, until you reached the upper floor of Daenerys' rooms, all you could hear was the scream of a women in complete pain and sadness. In Daenerys' chambers, Dany had been pushing for more than an hour and still the baby was nowhere near of being born. Daenerys stopped pushing, leaning back and taking a huge breath. Daenerys couldn't push one more time, she was exhausted and had no more energy to push. She wasn't a strong and powerful Queen in this moment, she was a tired women in pain, in the middle of giving birth in the worst battle in the history of Westeros. Daenerys leaned in her pillows behind her, and said very weakly with her eyes shut and head resting back, "Tyrion...I don't think I can push anymore, I'm sorry...I really tried." Tyrion held her hand, and leaned her up a bit, "You have been doing great so far, only a little more, and you will finally see something you were told you could never have." Daenerys still had tears dripping down her face, she couldn't believe this was happening to her. All she wanted in this moment was her husband Jon Snow, holding her hand and comforting her while she gave birth to their little miracle in the early morning of a peaceful day. But she had none of that, and she didn't know if any of this was worth it, if the pain was worth it, if living was worth it, because all she could think about was the possibility of dying with her child in her arms, and her husband dying in battle, never to see him again.

Missandei noticed that Daenerys had truly given up, and Tyrion's words were no use anymore, so Missandei decided to try everything she can to get her Queen and friend to push, to chose to live. "Your Grace, if you don't push you will die, and so will your child, that I promise you. But if you continue to push until you see your baby's little face and smile, there is a great possibility of you having everything you've ever wanted, a husband, a child, a family,...a dynasty. There will be 3 Targaryens in the world, not just you." Missandei's words touched Daenerys' heart, and it gave her enough courage and passion to keep pushing, to want to live. Missandei continued, "in the count of three, push as hard as you possibly can, and you will see your child for the first time. One...Two...Three!" 

Daenerys thrusted herself forwards again for the hundredth time, pushing and pushing, and this time she will not stop until she hears the cry of her child.

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