Chapter Two

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*4 months later*

It was your first day at drama school. You were so excited to leave behind high school – all the emo phases and bad boyfriends, mostly – as you began your 'new life' as you referred to it as.

You had an introduction assembly before you had any classes. The head professor of the school stood at the front of the hall and announced for everyone to take their seats. You saw one available seat next to where you stood and decided to take it, not looking at who was sitting in the seat next to it. If you had, you would've noticed that it was the 'asshole', Ben, from the beach.

After the professor finished speaking, everyone clapped and the lights were turned up to full brightness again. Everyone got up and began to leave the hall, whereas you stayed seated and looked at your timetable to figure out where you were going, until it got quieter so you could leave. That was until you heard a deep voice next to you saying, "I recognise you from somewhere."

You moved your eyes to the direction the voice came from and looked up to see Ben, towering over you, a confused look in his eye.

"sorry, I don't recognise you." You lied, not quite meeting his eyes, quickly grabbing your stuff, hoping he wouldn't remember you throwing a drink in his face. Of course you didn't think he would, he was pretty out of it that day at the beach.

You got up to leave but he lightly grabbed your hand. "No I remember – you threw a drink in my face and called me... a dick? No an asshole, that was it." He said, smirking at you.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that." You said, awkwardly, pinching your arm as if you punish yourself for doing it. You were definitely regretting that right now.

"no, don't apologise. I definitely was an asshole that night, I'm the one who should be sorry. I totally embarrassed myself - I had just broken up with my girlfriend and I thought I could drink away my feelings." He said, blushing slightly.

"No I get that. My boyfriend cheated on me like a week before that party as well." You said almost casually. It was quite forward, and slightly too deep for an almost-first meeting, but you felt you could trust him for some reason.

"oh wow, that's a lot worse." He said.

"Thanks." You laughed slightly, trailing off awkwardly.

He chuckled, glancing at your timetable. "it looks like we have the same class. Come on I'll walk with you." He said opening the door for you and you hesitantly followed.

You found yourselves talking the whole walk to class and you even sat next to each other for the entire year. You would get lunch together and he'd even walk you to your flat after class.

You felt different around Ben. As if your past hadn't happened. As if you hadn't been cheated on. You immediately felt comfortable around him, despite the awkward meeting you had.

You found Ben was actually really friendly and wasn't at all like you had thought he was when you first met. He was quiet and shy whereas when you met he was drunk and overly confident.

"Nice place you've got here" Ben stated leaning against the doorway.

"Thanks, it's not massive, but it's enough. The rent isn't bad either. What's your place like?" You asked.

"Oh it's pretty small. I moved here from Bournemouth so as soon as I came here I had to find a place to live" he replied.

"Right, well do you want to come inside for a cup of tea or we can order in some food?" You asked.

"Sure, sounds nice" he smiled and you both entered the apartment.

Roommates // Ben HardyWhere stories live. Discover now