Chapter Thirty-Four

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*Y/N's POV*

You and Lucy sat at your favourite table in the coffee shop round the corner from your flat, to catch up on all the drama that had happened recently.

"So when are you planning on having the wedding?" Lucy asked, slightly confused since, of course, you had a baby on the way.

"I don't know, I haven't really thought that far ahead..." you said, now panicking slightly. "What if we don't have time when the baby arrives? We can't do it during the pregnancy, I won't even fit my dress!" You continued.

"You could always have a small ceremony - just close friends - then after the baby arrives you can have your proper big, white wedding that your families would want" she suggested.

"No, I don't think- would we- do you think we'd have time?" You questioned, carefully considering whether it could work or not.

"Of course leave it to me, I'm great at these things! What kind of wedding would you want? Fancy? Do you want lights?" She asked, growing more excited by the second.

"I don't really care, as long as Ben is the one I'm marrying" you laughed, sighing in pure contented happiness.

"Well you go talk to Ben, I'll get ordained. It's scary how easy it is to do these things nowadays" she laughed.

"Lucy, I love you" you laughed. "How will I ever repay you?" You asked.

"Please just stay together for gods sake - no meeting other people, no getting in car accidents, no break-ins" she started, listing them on her fingers.

"Trust me, Lucy, I will love Ben for the rest of my life and nothing will change that ever" you reassured her.

"I'm glad to hear it" she broke into a smile. "Now go. Talk" she said, shooing you off to get back to Ben.

You both hugged and parted ways as you drove back to the apartment.

When you arrived, you remembered he was out with Joe, but as if by chance, he had just gotten back at the same time as you.

Ben rushed over to you, a smile on his face and out of breath.

"Ben" you exclaimed happily running over to him to jump on to him, and he hugged you tightly against him. "Ben I have an idea about the wedding-"

"We need to have it now" he interrupted.

You broke out into a massive grin. "Looks like we both had the same idea then" you laughed, crashing your lips to his for a deep kiss.

"Tonight" Ben laughed, leaning his forehead against yours.

"Really?" You asked in shock, and he nodded his head.

"I can't go another day without marrying you, y/n. I love you. I love you more than I thought was possible. We can do a bigger wedding later, but right now I've never wanted anything more than to call you my wife" he said, holding your face in his hands to look into your eyes.

Your eyes pricked with tears at his words. The longing to hear those words come out of his mouth was like a weight being lifted off your shoulders.

"Lucy's getting ordained as we speak" you laughed. "But what about my dress...and your suit-" you started.

"We'll figure it out. It's only...12:34pm, we have all day" he smiled, referring to his watch. "And remind me to make sure Joe doesn't get ordained" he added.

"Okay, then we better move now" you said, giving him one final kiss before diving into your room and Ben ran back to his car.

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