Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Ben was allowed to stay at the hospital for the day, until you woke up. He sat on his laptop looking at houses for the two of you. He was only trying to distract himself, but he couldn't help but get excited over the future you could have with one another. The nurse came in to check your vitals and ask if Ben wanted anything to eat and he politely declined.

He put his laptop aside to go sit next to you again. "I've found some nice houses for us on the outskirts of London. The ones that you always adored when we passed them. I've got it all planned out for us y/n, all you have to do is open your eyes. Open your eyes and we can have the future I've planned for us" he said.

*y/n's POV*

You woke to the sound of Ben's voice. At least you think you were awake. Your eyelids were heavy and you couldn't find the strength to lift them, but you felt something warm cover your hand and you were sure you could hear Ben's voice so you instantly felt comforted, despite the ringing in your eyes.

You eventually felt the warmth disappear from your hand and you fell asleep again. When you woke again you could once again hear Ben's voice.

"open your eyes" you heard Ben say. After hearing his words, you found the strength to lift your eyelids, and did so very slowly. Ben was looking down at your fingers sobbing to himself quietly. You wanted to say something but you couldn't speak, there was something stopping you.

Instead, you lifted a finger to signal to Ben you were awake.

"y/n!" he exclaimed happily as he ran out to get a nurse. The nurse removed the tube from your throat causing you to cough a few times.

"how are you feeling?" Ben asked, sitting down next to you and you turned your head to look at him.

"who are you?" you whispered, your voice coarse.

Ben's eyes widened in panic for a moment before you smiled at him. "I'm kidding Ben, of course I know you – you're the love of my life. And that's what I was on my way to tell you..." you trailed off, suddenly confused as you had no idea what happened.

"y/n, I love you so much. I'm so sorry it took me so long to realise" he started, his eyes watering again.

"I know you do, Ben. You gave quite the romantic speech earlier. And I'm gonna hold you to your promise about that golden retriever" you laughed.

"anything you want - it's yours. I was so worried about you, I really thought I had lost need to stop getting such extensive injuries to your head, my heart can't take it" he laughed slightly, which made you smile. "and I'm surprised you heard my speech earlier I thought you were unconscious" he added.

"I was in and out and luckily that's one of the time's I was awake" you said, smiling at him which caused him to look at you in a way that you've only seen him look at you with a couple times before – it was a very loving look - as if you'd hung the moon.

"oh my god the cake!" you said suddenly.

"er..the cake?" he questioned, thinking you'd gone temporarily insane.

"I got you your favourite cake. It must still be in my car" you sighed disappointedly.

"well your car went up in flames so it's long gone" he said.

"Yeah okay, maybe it'll be slightly overdone" you said, giving him a smile.

"I missed your smile. I thought I might not see that again" he sighed.

"I've told you once before, and I'll tell you once again – I haven't ran out of nicknames for you yet" you laughed and he stared at you happily for a moment.

"but I meant what I said y/n. I love you and I want to be with you and I don't want to delay it any longer. Since you came into my life everything has seemed brighter and more exciting. You were by my side at times when no one else was and you've always been the only person I can trust. I just can't believe I never realised how perfect we are together until now" he said with a mix of a serious and happy tone.

"Ben I love you so much, and I can't believe I never let it consume me until now" you said, weakly, but returning the big smile.

"y/n, I want us to officially start dating" he added.

"Ben of course that's what I want too. Come here" you said, laughing weakly and pulling him in for a long deep kiss.

Roommates // Ben HardyWhere stories live. Discover now