Chapter Twenty-Eight

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He sat in the hospital until 1:00am waiting to hear about you, but he could feel himself falling asleep and took a space on the seats to take a quick nap.

"Ben Jones!" he heard someone shout and he woke up, quickly standing, sending stars to his vision, but he didn't care. He knew this was what he had been waiting for.

"that's me" he quickly said and three doctors approached him.

"hi Ben, I'm Abigail White, one of the head surgeons in neurology and this is my team. I was the one leading the operation on your friend's brain bleed" she started, then signalled for him to follow them. "as you know the damage done was quite extensive, but there was no damage to her spinal cord, which is rare in cases like this, so she was lucky in that sense" she continued.

That always seemed to be the case with you. You always had extensive injuries, yet somehow you were lucky and he didn't understand it. He also didn't understand how it was considered lucky considering the fact you were in this situation in the first place. He wished it was him instead of you. You'd had your fair share of unnecessary drama in your liked, and even Ben couldn't take it anymore. It made him love you even more, if he was being honest - how strong you were and how happy you always were considered the most horrific things happened to you.

The doctor continued leading him through the long corridors of the hospital to a board containing two CT scans.

She lifted one of the photos. "this is what her brain looked like before surgery – the discoloured patches is the bleeding on the brain. There were no fractures to her skull, which was again lucky, but not uncommon" then she lifted the other photo. "this is the scan of her brain after surgery. You can see there are no more patches left. The surgery was successful. However, as with most cases with the brain, we don't know the long term effects this will have on her" she continued.

"so what could happen long term?" he asked, relieved that you were okay, the tightening in his stomach loosening.

"she could lose control over certain parts of her body due to the lack of nerve communication, she could have memory loss or she could have trouble with her speech. She could experience all of these, or none of these, only time will tell" she said, pressing her lips together in a sympathetic smile.

"can I see her yet?" he asked, running a hand through his completely disheveled hair.

"there's no telling when she will wake up, but she's right in here" she smiled, opening the door to her right allowing him to enter.

His eyes pooled at the sight of you lying in a hospital bed again. Seeing you in hospital would never become familiar to him, no matter how many times he'd seen it.

"I'll give you a minute" she said, closing Ben in the ICU room.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and took your hand in his. You had stitches in your arm and a cast on your foot, along with a breathing tube down your throat.

He took your hand gently in his and took in your features. They were as perfect as always despite your current situation.

"you're going to survive this y/n" he started, playing with your fingers. "you always survive despite the hell this world puts you through. You're going to wake up soon, and you're going to be fine. You're going to remember who I am and I'm going to tell you how much I love you and we're going to buy a proper house together - our new home. With a garden.  And a dog, because I know how much you love them. A golden retriever to be exact since every time we go out you always stop everything to point out when you see one" he laughed softly, a tear falling onto your hand. "and we're going to get married and have a close, intimate ceremony on a beach, somewhere sunny just like you would want, and we'll go on a honeymoon to Greece. And we're going to have kids – two kids to be exact. And I'm going to love you forever and I'll never stop until I take my last breath on this earth" he sobbed, gently stroking your cheek and kissing your hand.

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