Chapter Nine

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Ben's P.O.V

Ben really hadn't meant to hurt you, he just got excited over being able to show Zoe this glorious life he had as an upcoming actor. Now that he'd thought about it though he realised that he was such a dick to you, but he still didn't think he deserved that fight you just had, so he wasn't going to try and make up for it, since he didn't know how, and he didn't want to piss you off more.

He was also quite riled up and angry with you for making such a big deal out of this. He turned the TV on so that he could play FIFA and tried to cool off, but as he sat on the same couch that you talked about the Oscars on every year, it all came back to him. All the conversations you had, particularly the first one you ever had since you had moved in together.

Ben heard knocks at his door.

"okay, its like...3:00am what are you doing?" He laughed and paused whatever he was watching.

"oh well I hope I'm not interrupting anything" you smirked, referring to his laptop on his lap.

"ha ha, what is it y/n?" he laughed.

"well are you not going to watch the Oscars?" you asked confused as to why Ben wouldn't watch it since he was, after all, an aspiring actor.

He turned his laptop to face you and you saw he was watching it already. "oh. Well wouldn't you rather watch it on the TV?" you asked, signalling to the

"I didn't think you were watching it" he said, following you out his room and sitting next to you on the couch.

"of course I'm watching it, besides that's gonna be you on that screen someday, and I need to be prepared incase when you get there you take me with you" you said, smiling brightly.

"y/n what do you mean incase? Of course I'm taking you! You're my best friend and if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have even got my first on-screen role" he said, getting up to grab a bottle of wine for the both of you to share.

You smiled at him, happily, as he sat back down and poured you a glass of wine.

"well that's the only reason I became your best friend – so that I have someone to take me to the Oscars someday" you said.

"oh is that right?" he asked sarcastically, throwing an arm around your shoulder to give you a squeeze, and placing a kiss on the top of your head, before releasing you.

You both laughed and turned your attention to the celebrities who now began to flood the red carpet.

"when we go to the Oscars, we need to think of a completely over-exaggerated entrance. Just getting out a limo is boring. Something like...I don't elephant" you retorted, finishing your second glass of wine and reaching for the bottle to refill your glass.

"yeah, I think that proves you've had enough y/n" Ben laughed, holding down your glass. "anymore and you won't even remember the award ceremony" he continued, putting his arm around you.

"I'm not that much of a lightweight, Ben!" you laughed, punching him lightly in the arm, and resting your head on his chest.

"I know, I know, I'm only teasing. He said, still smiling brightly.

"so how do you suggest we enter?" you asked.

"how about we skydive in?" he suggested.

You looked up at him in amazement. "why didn't I think of that?" you exclaimed, excitedly. "That's an amazing idea!" you laughed.

"I thought you might like that" he muttered.

As silence fell upon the two of you, you were suddenly hyperaware of the little distance between your faces. Ben always looked amazing, even at 3:00am – he had run his hands through his disheveled hair a lot and messed it all up, but in a way that it was a hot kind of messy, his eyes were slightly watery, which caused the green in his eyes to shine even brighter.

You couldn't stop yourself from looking down at his lips. They were parted slightly and you could feel him also looking at your lips. You weren't sure if he'd noticed where you set your gaze, but it became more obvious as he moved closer to you, closing the gap between your faces.

Your lips were inches apart now, and you could feel his hot breath against your lips as you're sure he felt yours. Your eyes suddenly met, and before you could comprehend what was about to happen, his lips met yours and you melted into him. He pulled you onto his lap and you straddled him, as your make out became more intense. You occasionally caught his lip between your lips, which caused him to groan as he moved his hands all over your back – he moved from the small of your back to your ass then to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss.

He flipped the two of you over so that you were lying back on the couch and he hovered over you. He would occasionally move down to your neck to place kisses there, but it never got any further than that.

"and now the award for 'Best Actor' goes to..." you heard from the TV and your steamy make-out session halted as you turned your attention to the screen, momentarily. The two of you sat up, in anticipation, as the winner was announced, forgetting about the intimate moment you just had in all the excitement.

Ben couldn't even remember who had won that year, but he remembered your excitement over hypothetically going to the Oscars with him, and it dawned on him that he had been such a dick to you.

Of course you guys didn't live together for all these years and didn't have the occasional drunken make-out session, but it never got any further than that, plus you both chose to forget about it and blame it on the alcohol.

But that wasn't the part Ben focused on. He wanted to make things right with you, but he didn't know how. He paused the game he was playing and picked the phone up to call Zoe.

Roommates // Ben HardyWhere stories live. Discover now