Chapter Seven

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You opened the door closing it quietly behind you, and setting your bag down on the table. All of the events of tonight were rushing through your head, and you felt that you were going to cry again, but before it could happen Ben appeared in the doorway of his room, leaning against the frame.

"y/n, why are you back so early? Didn't I only drop you off like half an hour ago?" he said, suspiciously. You stayed silent not sure what to say. "Don't tell me he blew you off for work too" He said, chuckling slightly.

You looked up at him and he could see the tears forming in your eyes, and he immediately stood up straight. "y/n..." he started, but you quickly burst into tears, running into your room and slamming the door behind you. You leaned your back against the door silently crying, and slowly slid down until you were sitting with your head on your knees.

You felt like such an idiot – for trusting Nathan; for not listening to Ben. You felt as if the world had turned on you and you couldn't understand why. You had always worked hard, been a good friend, a good daughter. There are so many genuinely bad people in the world – why did this keep happening to you? What had you done to deserve this?

You were taken from your thoughts by the sound of a light knocking on your door. "Y/n" You heard Ben say. "Tell me what happened." He said, gently trying to open the door but you blocked him.

"I don't want to talk about it." You said, sniffling and wiping away your tears. You knew Ben wouldn't gloat about the fact he was right, but you still knew he would be thinking it, and you didn't want to be any angrier than you already were.

"come on, y/n, just let me in." He continued, still adamant to open the door.

"Ben, go away! I said I don't want to talk about it." You shouted in frustration, throwing your hands into your hair, and you heard footsteps retreating from the door.

You sighed and continued quietly sobbing into your knees.

*Ben's POV*
He had just gotten back from dropping you off at Nathans. He didn't feel angry about it for once though – he knew you guys were getting serious and he knew he had to support you.

He went to his room and started watching the football game, when he heard the door open. He paused the game and stood at the entrance to his room when he saw you, and was immediately confused since hadn't dropped you off at Nathans long ago – certainly not long enough to have had a quick dinner.

He assumed that Nathan was just busy at work and your big surprise that you had planned out so intricately had been ruined. He was quick to realise that probably wasn't the case when you ran off to your room crying. He tried to reason with you, but you wouldn't hear it. He decided it might be best to leave you just, you were clearly fragile and he didn't want to push, despite how hard it was to not rush in there and hold you, especially after he heard your soft sobs through the door even twenty minutes later.

*y/n's POV*
You woke up some time later, curled up on the floor. You must've passed out from all the crying you were doing. You checked the time and it was 1:00am and your head was still thumping.

You quietly left your room to go the bathroom to get a painkiller and clean up your makeup that had smudged all over your face. You headed back to your room to change into your pyjamas and crashed on your bed.

You woke up soon after by the feeling of cold air seeping into the warmth under your duvet. You opened your eyes to see Ben lying next to you, one hand behind his head and the other snaking under your neck to hold you close to him. He kissed you lightly on the head and held you close to him, while stroking your arm.

"He was cheating on me" You said, bluntly, closing your eyes. Ben pulled away a little to look at you in shock. "But I don't want to hear it – I know I was wrong, you were right." You continued.

"Oh, y/n, I wouldn't boast about something like that – what he did to you, that's disgusting." He said, squeezing you tightly. You started crying again. You couldn't help it. You were just so annoyed at the world for doing this to you, and annoyed at yourself for letting this happen to you again.

"Hey, come here." he said, and he moved your head up to his chest to where you could feel his heartbeat. You looked up at him and he wiped away one of your tears. "He's not worth your tears. If he didn't realise how lucky he was to have you, then he isn't worth one more second of your time. I mean sure I didn't trust the guy, but I never realised he was stupid enough to cheat on someone as amazing as you" He continued, looking deep into your eyes.

You broke eye contact, and put your head back onto his chest, closing your eyes. You felt so safe and happier in Ben's presence. He always knew just what to say to make you feel better too.

"Thank you, Ben." You said, with a slightly happier tone. "How did I get to lucky to have you as my best friend?" you sighed.

"Well, you know the saying – when life gives you shitty boyfriends, at least you've still got your best friend, Ben." He said, stroking your hair, and from that moment forward, you vowed to always trust Ben's instincts towards any future boyfriends. He was the only person you truly trusted in the world anymore, and he always had this way of being right about everything.

You chuckled. "oh I love you" You said, just before falling asleep, and even tough you meant it a completely platonic way, Ben's heart clenched a little at it. Of course he would never tell you this, but he always wondered if you guys were meant to end up together one day. After all the shitty boyfriends had come and gone, he couldn't help but wonder if you'd end up in his arms after all this time.

Roommates // Ben HardyWhere stories live. Discover now