Chapter Four

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A while later you were standing in front of your mirror curling your hair, when you heard a knock at your bedroom door. You were wearing a black denim skirt with a red, wrapped, long-sleeved bodysuit.

"Come in" You shouted, and Ben's face appeared around the door, he stared at you for a few seconds before saying anything.

"Hey, I'm just about to head out meaning this is your last chance to come out with us. Our friends all want you there" He said, even though he knew there was no point in trying.

"Nope sorry, need to finish my work before Nathan gets here – but tell everyone I miss them and hope to see them soon." I said, now turning to face Ben and giving him a smile.

He nodded and raised his hand, signalling goodbye to you. You heard the front door shut behind him and put down the curling wand to begin your work.

*Ben's POV*
Ben was exhilarated that you'd gotten him his first on-screen role – he didn't want to spend such a special moment with anyone but you. He always felt slightly guilty because you were constantly making the most unbelievable things happen for him, yet he had nothing to give you in return. Ben trusted you with his life and you were by far his closest friend. It just sucked you wouldn't be celebrating with him tonight.

He usually wouldn't mind because he knew you'd rather be working, but Ben didn't like the thought of you being alone in here with Nathan – something about him always felt off to Ben.

Ben loved having you in his life - you just always seemed to be happy and had positive energy constantly surrounding you that emitted onto other people, which is why you and Ben worked so well together. Even at his worst, your presence always made him feel so much better. He felt you were just greater than life itself. Of course there were strictly no romantic feelings involved, but the thought had definitely crossed his mind before. From the occasional accidental glimpse of you running from the bathroom to your room after a shower; to seeing you kiss another guy and wondering what it would like to be on the other end.

He especially thought it when he saw you getting ready today. He thought you looked so gorgeous half-ready, with your cute outfit on, and if he was being honest, he always thought you looked gorgeous regardless of whether you were going out, or just waking up, in your pyjamas with your hair messily tied up. But he adored you too much to ever let things get romantic between the two of you – he never wanted to lose you because of his feelings, so he had to get over them pretty quickly. Plus he had many girls distracting him from you, and he was planning on getting another distraction tonight.

*Y/N's POV*
Nathan arrived pretty quickly after Ben left. You tried to keep their encounters to a minimum, since you could tell Ben wasn't his biggest fan. You, however, adored Nathan. You met him during your internship and he was very sweet to you, considering you'd only known each other a couple of months.

When he arrived he gave you a bunch of flowers and brought a pizza for the two of you to share, which you were really grateful for because you were starving.

You spent the night just doing your usual watch a movie while eating, make out for a bit, then he'd leave. You relished in the time he was there though. Nathan was a really good looking guy – perfect facial features, curly brown hair – and you had a soft spot for guys with curls.

It was beginning to get late and you had started falling asleep on Nathan's lap. You woke up with Nathan whispering your name, so he wouldn't startle you. You stirred, but sat up and smiled at him. "oh my god, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep I'm just so busy with work-" you started but you were interrupted by Nathan's lips on yours.

"it's okay – trust me I know what the workload is like." He said, stroking your cheek. You could tell that Nathan also adored you by the way he looked at you. "But I should probably get going, it's getting late. You get some sleep." He said, kissing you goodbye and leaving.

Roommates // Ben HardyWhere stories live. Discover now