Chapter Thirty-One

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"so where's Megan?" Ben asked, swiftly changing topic. While you were in hospital, he had stayed in the hospital with you once again and you told Megan to stay as long as she needed.

"she was only down here until she got what she needed for her news article. She's back up in Scotland now" you said, rather disappointedly, running your hand up and down Ben's arm.

"Oh right. I've got an audition for my new movie today, will you be okay on your own?" he asked, with a genuine tone, and you knew he would've cancelled if you'd even hesitated.

"Ben for the hundredth time, I can look after myself" you turned to give him a jokey glare.

"yeah I know, I just worry about you, y/n" he added, turning to head into your kitchen.

You however, had plans of your own today. You were going to the paternity clinic to make sure the child you were carrying was definitely Ben's.

You brought Ben's toothbrush with you and they said they would contact you within a couple days so you spent the next couple days flinching every time your phone went off. You knew the Ben had to be the father, but it still scared you that you might be carrying a stranger's baby.

God your life was so messed up.

Then the inevitable day came when you got your results, two weeks later. You and Ben were sitting in your living room, watching some rom-com, when your phone went off.

"hello" you answered, sheepishly.

"hi, this is the paternity clinic, we have your results for you" a voice said, and you quickly stood up and walked into the kitchen to make sure Ben couldn't hear the call.

"the results were positive" they said, and you let out the breath you hadn't realised you were holding. Your eyes threatened to spill tears of relief.

"okay, thank you" you said, hanging up the phone. However, your stomach tightened as you realised you were going to have to tell Ben now. You weren't sure how he was going to take it since he was just auditioning for a new role and trying to expand his career as an actor. You were scared he would be angry at you even though it wasn't really your fault.

"who was that?" he asked, looking over at your confused expression.

You sat back next to him on the couch. "Just Megan...wishing me a good recovery." You said, smiling at him. He turned more to face you and you realised you couldn't tell him yet. You didn't know how he'd react right now and you needed to talk to someone. "look I have to quickly pop out, I promised Lucy I'd meet her today" you said to him. You had to talk to Lucy first, she always knew what to do or how to help you.

"okay, that's fine" he smiled at you before, turning back to the TV. You internally sighed in relief that he wasn't suspicious of your sudden change of plans. You left your apartment and immediately called Lucy.

"hello?" she answered.

"Lucy I need to talk to you, it's an emergency" you said, biting the inside of your cheek.

"okay, I'll be right there to pick you up" she said, hanging up. You weren't even sure how to tell Lucy the news, never mind Ben.

A couple minutes later, Lucy appeared in her car and the two of you drove off to a café.

"so what's so bad that you had to have this emergency meeting?" she laughed, as you moved up in the queue to place your order.

"Can I not just spend some time with my best friend after a near-death experience?" You smiled back, fiddling with your sleeves. 

"I guess" she said, eyeing you suspiciously, but with an evident smile to let you know she was joking. You both got to the front of the queue and Lucy ordered two coffees for you. You were too distracted to notice at first but once you did you remembered you couldn't drink coffee.

"Wait, I can't drink that" you blurted out, far too quickly.

"What is it, y/n?" Lucy questioned, this time a true look of suspicion held on her face. You thought there was no point holding it back any longer.

"I'm pregnant" you said bluntly, causing the barista to look awkwardly between the two of you while you stood in uncomfortable silence. She blinked at you, as if she thought it were a dream she was about to wake up from.

"what?!" she quietly exclaimed, breaking out of her trance.

"I don't know how it happened, all I know is that it's Ben's and I'm a very unlucky person" you responded, thinking back to the fact that despite you being on one of the most effective contraceptives, you still fell pregnant. Only you could do that, as if you were some non-virgin Mary.

"you're damn right you are. Have you told him?" she asked, excusing the two of you and sitting down at a nearby table.

"no that's what I came here to talk to you about" you said, looking up at her with watery eyes. "I don't know how to tell him. His acting career is finally taking off and I don't want to ruin it for him" you continued, your face falling into your palms.

It was as if telling someone finally made it real and it all hit you at once. There was going to be a baby here in a matter of months and your whole life was going to be turned around. You and Ben had only just started dating after a rocky few months and years of friendship. This was all new territory and you were about to ruin it all.

"y/n, this is equally his child. If he can't accept that this is happening, and thinks his career is more important, then he doesn't deserve to be part of the child's life" she bluntly said.

"Wow, that's harsh" you laughed.

"Yes, but it's true. Do you really think Ben would be annoyed? You know him better than anyone, do you see him being angry and upset about this? He loves you more than anything, y/n" she said, and she wasn't wrong.

"I know, but I just don't know how he'll react" you sighed, looking down and once again fiddling with your sleeves.

"well there's only one way to find out" Lucy added and you nodded in agreement.

"How do I tell him?" You said in an almost fed up tone. Fed up with all the obstacles that you and Ben face together and all the bad luck you seem to possess.

"When the moment is right, you'll know. So long as he doesn't try and propose-" she joked, but you glared at her nonetheless.

"Trust me that's not happening anytime soon. The baby will come first I can tell you that much" you interrupted, but smiled back.

"Well either way, you guys have been friends for years - it's not like you guys aren't comfortable with each other. I think it'll be easier than you think" she replied and you realised she was right.

You felt more at ease after your talk with Lucy and you knew the time had come to tell Ben. You had started showing the tiniest bit so it had to be now anyway.

Roommates // Ben HardyWhere stories live. Discover now