Chapter Twenty

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It had been a few months now since your short binge and you had been getting help in therapy sessions. You had even started seeing someone – a guy called James. At first you just used him as a desperate plea to help yourself forget about Ben, but you actually really like him. You had met when he auditioned for one of the roles in your new upcoming movie.

Ben was also seeing a girl called Amy. They apparently met on the plane back from LA. It was weird seeing him with someone else since you struggled with your feelings for Ben so much, just a few months ago but you eventually adjusted, and you came to relatively enjoy Amy's presence.

Likewise, with Ben and James, they became pretty close. They actually became 'drinking buddies' as they called it. Ben approved of him, which was the most important thing to you.

You did approve of Amy, but there was always something off about her to you, especially at times when the two of you were around Ben at the same time. She always acted as if Ben was some kind of prize to be won, as if she was always in competition with you.

You always gave them the space they needed, but the fact was that you and Ben lived together, and she felt threatened by it.

It was a miserable day outside once, and you ended up being stuck in your apartment with Amy and Ben. They were clearly getting it on in the other room and you tried drowning out the noise with the TV. You really needed to figure out a way to soundproof his walls. You usually wouldn't let it bother you, but after trying to suppress your feelings for Ben for so long, it was beginning to get on your nerves.

You switched to a celebrity gossip show to try and distract yourself and to drown out the noise by turning up the TV.

"In other news, 28 year old actor Ben Hardy, has been spotted in areas of London with his rumoured girlfriend 'y/f/n'" the host said.

You weren't really surprised to be honest. The media were always making things up about you and Ben, and then 'leaking' them.

"it looks like he's even been spotted getting intimate with her in public. What do you think folks? "Do you think our blonde heartthrob has finally found the 'love of his life'?" the host continued and you spat out your drink as they showed a photo of you and Ben kissing at the Oscars. Ben didn't even remember that kiss and this looked really bad. You already knew how quickly it would spread through the internet. Probably already had a thousand hits.

"what the fuck" you heard from behind you. And there she was, standing behind you - Amy. She must've left Ben's room without you noticing. At least you'd stopped noticing the noise.

"Amy, I promise you it's not-" you started, but she cut you off.

"shut it" she hissed, walking back to Ben's room and grabbing her stuff. She stormed out without saying a word, causing Ben to come running out his room half dressed, his hair completely dishevelled.

"what just happened?" he asked confused, before glancing over to the TV and seeing the photo of you two on thee screen. "oh" he let out. He had to admit that was a sight he never thought he'd see. "What is that?" He asked and your stomach flipped.

You didn't think you'd ever be having this conversation with Ben. How would you explain to him why you let him kiss you. You almost felt guilty, like you had taken advantage of him somehow.

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