Chapter Thirty-Five

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You went straight to your dressing table, curling your hair and adding makeup, while simultaneously calling Lucy. You and Ben had really left yourselves no notice, but at this point you didn't care how you looked or how Ben looked, just that you were finally going to be Mrs. Jones after too long.

"Guess who's officially ordained" she sang as she answered.

"That's great" you laughed. "Well Ben and I want to get married...well, um, tonight" you said, tensely waiting for Lucy's reaction.

"Say no more - I'm on it. I'm guessing you don't have a dress" she asked, and you actually wondered how Lucy was able to be so organised and calm with everything that was going on today. It was down-right admirable and you couldn't be more thankful.

"Umm...I might actually" you said, biting your lip and looking over to your wardrobe.

"Really? Were you planning on marrying Ben this whole time?" She laughed in response.

"No it's um...I have my mum's wedding dress" You said, walking over to your wardrobe to rummage through the hundreds of clothes you never actually wear to find it.

You finally found it, cracking a small smile, and pulling it out your wardrobe. It had always been your favourite item of clothing you kept in your wardrobe and it looked as if it was brand new. It was long and flowed to the ground and had mesh sleeves with intricate floral, lace detailing down them. It was the most beautiful dress you'd ever owned and you always kept it as a reminder of you mum.

"Definitely wear that, I've seen the photo of your parents on their wedding day. She looked beautiful in it and so will you" Lucy said sympathetically. She knew this would be hard to do without your mum there. You'd practically dreamed out your wedding with your mum and you couldn't believe she wouldn't be there for it.

"I wish they were here for this" you sighed, tears threatening to fall.

"Oh y/n, of course they are. They're watching over you all the time and they would be so proud to see you now" she responded allowing one tear to glide down your face, but you didn't bother wiping it away.

"Well at least I've sorted the dress problem" you said, smiling at the beautiful gown, laying it flat on your bed. "What else do I need?" you questioned, trying to stop crying before it looked bad.

"What are you doing for hair and makeup?" She asked.

"Well I was planning on doing it myself..." you responded.

"No, you just relax - it's your wedding day. I'm coming over to do it for you in an hour. For now run a bath for yourself, light some candles, and I won't be too long" she responded.

You were glad she said that because you'd practically ruined what you had done already by crying and you hadn't the energy to fix it now.

"Wait Lucy, before you go we'll need one more thing" you said.

"Yup, anything you need - it's done" she replied.

"I need you to be my maid of honour" you smiled.

"Really?" She asked, her pitch going an octave higher.

"Yes, of course! Look at all the trouble you're going through for this. Only the maid of honour would do that. Besides, you're my best friend" you laughed.

"Well I'd be honoured. See you later" she giggled, hanging up and you did exactly what she said.

You ran a relaxing bath, washing your hair with your favourite smelling shampoo, and by the time you were done Lucy had arrived.

You wrapped yourself in a dressing gown and your hair in a towel, when Lucy walked in with a bag and a smile plastered into her face.

She hurried into the kitchen, making fancy looking drinks.

"I don't drink" you said awkwardly rubbing your arm at the door, watching Lucy creatively mix the different liquids.

"I know - these are mocktails" Lucy winked. "Now go sit at your dressing table and I'll bring these through" she laughed.

"You know you are the greatest friend in the world?" you laughed excitedly.

"Yes, now go" she said, shooing you into your room.

When she came in she had a burgundy coloured liquid in the glass that tasted like literal heaven. If you were bring honest, you really preferred a fruity drink to something alcoholic.

Lucy quickly dried your hair, before curling it and pinning half of it up and securing it with a flower-shaped pin. She pulled out sections at the front and you quite literally looked like a goddess. You couldn't believe you were actually looking at yourself in the mirror. You didn't even look this amazing when you went to the oscars.

"Why didn't you go into the wedding hair/makeup industry" you questioned, amazed at the job Lucy had done in just an hour.

"Too much talent, I'd intimidate everyone else" she giggled adding the last couple of grips in your hair, before starting your makeup.

She did a natural glam look, with beautiful eyeshadows and a glossy lip. By the time she was finished, you wanted to cry at your reflection as you realised what Lucy had done - she did the exact same look your mother had on her wedding day. The same hair, the same eyeshadow colours. You instantly turned around, hugging Lucy tightly, as you fought back tears.

"I'm gonna ruin my makeup with all my crying" you said with a strained voice from trying not to cry. "Thank you so much" you whispered.

"It's my pleasure" she laughed, pulling away to look at her watch and gasping. "We need to go, we're gonna be late" she exclaimed.

"Where are we even going?" You laughed as Lucy frantically ran around grabbing everything you'd need.

"It's a surprise" she smirked, carefully picking up the bag your dress was in, and you both left the apartment.

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