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Soulmates. A common thing in Fiore. Everyone has one and whoever it was, was destined to you forever. The way you find your soulmate is an interesting one.

Each baby is born with an invisible red string tied around their pinkies. If your soulmate was near, then you'd feel a slight tug on your pinky. If your soulmate is in pain, emotional or physical, the string tightens around your finger. Natsu has always wanted a soulmate. He would become so happy when he felt a small tug on his pinky.

His soulmate was near him. Natsu wondered what she looked like. Or maybe it was a he. Natsu wondered if his soulmate could feel a tug too. Natsu couldn't wait for the day they met.

Gray doesn't believe in soulmates. Nothing lasts forever so how could someone be your forever? He sometimes felt a small tug but chose to ignore it. His soulmate didn't exist. A small voice in the back of his head always told him that they were real and they were waiting for him.

Lucy was someone who was considered "soulmate-less"

When she was an infant she was informed by doctors that she had no soulmate. She had no forever. However there were other soulmate-less people out there who the doctors confirmed would be a good match for Lucy.

Natsu, Gray, and Lucy were all in the fairytail guild. Natsu always felt a strong pull on his pinky when Gray moved towards him. Sometimes his string pulled so hard that his pinky hurt, but he didn't mind.

He found his forever. Gray felt the same force on his digit when Natsu moved towards him as well. "There's no such thing as soulmates." Gray always told himself.

Lucy had the biggest crush on Natsu and she's been figuring out how to ask him out. Lucy knew Natsu was obsessed with finding his soulmate and wanted his soulmate to be his first everything.

Some people did date other people before finding their forever and had broken up over time upon finding their soulmate.

Not Natsu though. His soulmate was going to be his first everything.

His first kiss, his first date, his first boyfriend or girlfriend, his first time and everything else.

Lucy was absolutely in love with Natsu. Everything about him was perfect. But he wasn't soulmate-less like she was. He had a forever. Lucy wanted Natsu as her forever so she did what she had to do.

She'll pretend to be Natsu's soulmate.


"Hey Natsu!" Lucy called, running up to Natsu. "Hey." Natsu said, gazing dreamily at Gray. "Um..can you walk towards me?" She asked shyly. "Huh, why?" Natsu reluctantly removed his gaze from the ice mage.

"Just do it." Lucy said smiling. Natsu stood up and walked over towards Lucy. Lucy faked a gasp. "Natsu! My pinky tugged!" Natsu was shocked.

How could Lucy be his soulmate? He had never felt his pinky tug when Lucy walked towards him. "A-are you sure?" His throat felt dry. "Yes, Natsu! We're soulmates!" Lucy smiled so brightly.

She ran up to Natsu and hugged him tight. "We're each others forever Natsu!" No one but Lucy knew she had no soulmate.

In Lucy's mind, Natsu's soulmate could handle being alone.


Gray had watched the whole exchange. Gray had always thought Natsu was cute. He never made eye contact because Natsu was always staring at him. Gray didn't want Natsu to have the pleasure of knowing he made Gray blush.

Gray didn't believe in soulmates, everyone knew that. Gray was happy, even if he didn't show it, that someone took an interest in him. Lucy just so easily came up and claimed to be his soulmate.

There was no proof. Natsu was always talking about soulmates but never said anything about Gray because he knew how Gray felt about that subject. There was no proof soulmates were real and if they were there was no proof and Natsu and Lucy were soulmates.

Gray heard Natsu. Natsu never felt the supposed "tug" you feel when your soulmates walks towards you.

If soulmates were real Gray wanted Natsu to be his. The thing is though that soulmates ARE real and Natsu and Gray ARE soulmates.

Gray walked up to the pair. "Hey guys." Gray was nonchalant, not wanting to seem upset. "H-hey Gray.." Natsu trailed off, looking down, a light blush across his cheeks.

Lucy looked aggravated. Natsu was supposed to be blushing when she said hello to him! "We're soulmates!" Lucy yelled, forcefully intertwining her and Natsu's hands and held them up in Gray's face.

"Soulmates aren't real. Where's the proof? And if they were true, where's your proof your actually soulmates? From what I could hear, Natsu didn't feel the so-called "tug" you're supposed to feel." Gray said.

"Well I felt the tug! So it must be fate!" Lucy screamed, her face red with anger. "Gray..stop." Natsu said quietly. Maybe the tug wasn't working when Lucy announced then soulmates. Maybe his body was in shock and it wasn't working.

"I thought soulmates were a together type thing. No one-sides business." Gray said, smirking. If Lucy wanted to play this game then Gray would play too.

Only thing is, Gray knows how to play the game better.

"Natsu, you didn't feel the pull right?" Gray asked, placing a gentle hand on Natsu's shoulder. His touch sent shivers down Natsu's spine. He wanted to desperately lean into Gray's touch.

"Gray, stop it." Natsu said firmly. Lucy calmed down enough for her face to return to its normal color.

"Luce and I are soulmates. Maybe my pinky isn't pulling because my body is in shock." Natsu said, on the verge of losing it.

Just because Gray didn't believe in soulmates doesn't mean he can accuse Lucy of lying.

"Whatever." And with that, Gray walked off with a sigh.

Lucy smiled, however Natsu felt his string get tight around his finger.

Strange. Lucy didn't look like she was hurt.

Word count : 1003

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