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We are all beautiful. It's nice to be complimented right? Nice to know someone finds you appealing. Your personality, your looks, your style, anything. People love compliments. Not Gray though.

Gray was self conscious. Something not many people were aware of. Natsu, his boyfriend of 2 years, didn't even know.

Or so Gray thought. He probably already knew and just wasn't sure how to bring it up.

Gray wished he could be as self confident at Natsu. Always smiling, not caring how he looks, how his laugh sounds or how his smile looked.

Gray wished he could say "I love you" just as confidently as Natsu could.

Wanting to say it every morning and every night, not worrying how it sounds when he says it, or how much he might blush.

Natsu always got compliments from guild members and sometimes random strangers. "Your smile is so contagious!"

"Your magic is so strong!"

Gray also got compliments from guild members and random strangers.

"You're so well built!"

"You're very handsome!"

And as much as Gray wanted to believe them, it was hard.

Natsu would compliment Gray all day everyday. Those were the compliments Gray loved. Granted, it was the same compliment every time but it was Gray's favorite.

"You're beautiful."

But just because he liked hearing it, didn't mean he believed it.

"I love you."

Just because he liked hearing it, didn't mean he had the courage to say it back.

Love was a sensitive subject for Gray. Call him superstitious but Gray believed that anyone he told the word love to, they'd die or disappear. His parents, his friends, his mentor..

All gone. Because he had told them he loved them. He didn't wanna lose Natsu, so he didn't say anything. Natsu would never force him to say something he wasn't ready to say, but Gray could see the pain in his eyes when he didn't answer.


Gray was self conscious. Something not many people were aware of. Natsu was though. He was very much aware.

He's known for a long time. Way before they started dating.

"You're beautiful." He once said to Gray at the guild.

Gray was pretending to zone out so he wouldn't have to acknowledge the compliment.

"You're beautiful." He would say while they were laying down in bed.

Gray would close his eyes and pretend to be sleeping.

"You're beautiful." Nastu would say while they walked around.

"Me not so much, but you? Definitely."

"I love you." He would say in the guild. Gray looked at him and smiled. Natsu knew he loved him back, he wasn't ready yet and that was fine.

"I love you." He said while laying in bed. Gray didn't answer. He could wait.

"I love you."

He could wait.


Gray and Natsu walked into the guild. Natsu walking over to an empty booth while Gray walked up to the bar.

Lucy spotted Natsu and sat next to him. "Hey are you okay? You seem kinda sad." She said.

She would comfort him. Lucy was Natsu's best friend.

He made eye contact with her. "I wanted to tell Gray he looked beautiful."

"Okay? If you wanna tell him go tell him."

Natsu looked like he wanted to cry. "He never believes me."

  Gray was so beautiful to Natsu.


Gray sat at the bar and said a quick greeting to Cana.

"What's up with you." She asked, chugging her 25th beer.

"I wanted to tell Natsu I love him this morning." He shrugged.

"Then why didn't you?"

"Because I'm scared."

Gray loved Natsu with all his heart. But Gray did not think he was as beautiful as Natsu thought he was.

Natsu and Gray walked home together hand in hand.

"I love you." Nastu looked over at Gray, smiling.

Gray smiled back, but kept his mouth shut. He saW the pain in Natsu's eyes.

"I love you too."

"You're so beautiful Gray."

Gray didn't look at him.

"Thank you."


Maybe one day, Gray would believe he's as beautiful as Natsu says. But not today.

Maybe one day, Gray would be able to tell Natsu he loves him back. But not today.

Not today.

Not tomorrow.

But someday.

Word count : 695

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