•Just For Fun•

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Gray knew they wouldn't last forever. I mean, why would they? Why would Natsu want Gray when he could have someone else?

Someone who matched his personality and energy better than Gray ever could.


"No hard feelings, right?"


They weren't dating but Gray liked to think they were. He likes to sit in his bed late at night, listening to old songs with his earbuds in, imagining him and Natsu dating.


"Gray? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to date a boy?"


They weren't serious. They were two boys who were confused and wanting to try something new. Secret kisses shared in the late hours of the night, fingers intertwined as they walked down empty streets void of people. Just to try it out.


"Gray? I wanna try something..."


Gray gave Natsu his virginity. Gave Natsu the last of his innocence because he couldn't stand the thought of Natsu with someone else.


"It wasn't anything serious. It was just an experiment."


Gray hates himself. Hates he let Natsu have his everything when Natsu only wanted to try things out. Only wanted to see, have a taste of what dating another boy would be like. Hates he let himself fall in love with Natsu. Hates he let himself believe that they could be more.


"Thanks Gray. You don't understand how much I appreciate your friendship."


But most of all. He hates that even if he were to go back in time and have Natsu ask that same question...


"Gray? Can you help me?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"What's it like to date a boy? It's not anything serious, I just..."

"Um. I have no idea honestly."

"Do you think we could try? See what it's like? Together?"


He wouldn't have told him no.



Word count : 296

Gratsu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now