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Natsu was sitting in the guild next to to Lucy and Erza. Lucy was complaining about rent like usual, while Natsu stared off into space.

Gray wasn't here as he was out on a mission. With Juvia.

The thought of Gray and Juvia alone together made Natsu clench his fists. He wasn't sure why he felt like this, he and Gray were rivals, he wasn't supposed to feel this way.

He wasn't supposed to worry when Gray was in the infirmary, or let his hands linger when he fought with him, he wasn't supposed to smile when he saw Gray, and most importantly, he wasn't supposed to feel jealous when Gray spent time with other people.

The day Gray and Juvia came back was a sad one. For Natsu at least.

"I've given it some thought, and Juvia and I are officially dating." Gray smiled. He looked so happy and it hurt knowing Natsu wasn't the cause of that smile.

After the entire guild congratulated the new couple, they walked up to Natsu who was sitting in the corner wallowing in self pity.

"Hello, Natsu-San." Juvia said. Natsu put on a fake smile and looked at both Gray and Juvia.

He caught a glimpse of Gray's smiling face and his fake smiles turned real. Gray was happy, and that's all that mattered. Suddenly, he wasn't as upset as before.

Natsu would only look at Juvia though. If he looked at Gray then Gray would know how Natsu felt. He was glad that Gray was happy, because Gray's happiness was everything to Natsu.


Gray and some other guild members had left a while ago. Lucy, Natsu, Erza, Cana, Mira, Lisanna, Gajeel, and Juvia where all that's left.

Juvia was sitting at the bar near Gajeel. She was thinking about the exchange between Natsu, Gray, and herself.

Juvia was surprised when she figured it out. Out of everyone in the guild she never expected Natsu to be her love rival. Technically he wasn't even a love rival considering he never made any move to tell Gray how he felt.

Juvia and Natsu were very different when it comes to love. Juvia is very expressive with her love. Constantly shouting out her love and bringing gifts and always trying to get Gray to look at her.

However Natsu loves quietly. He doesn't announce his love to all of Fiore nor does he bring gifts or anything to try to earn Gray's attention. Just seeing Gray at the guild was enough for Natsu.

Juvia wouldn't be able to stand it if Gray was with another.

While Natsu wouldn't care as long as Gray was happy.

Juvia thought back to earlier in the day. Natsu had asked Gray if he was happy and if he was enjoying his relationship with Juvia to which Gray said yes.

Nastu smiled a big smile before saying congrats once more and joining Lucy at an empty table.

Gray's happiness was all that mattered to Natsu.


It was a bit later and only Mira, Cana, Gajeel, and Juvia remained in the guild. Juvia was very confused about Natsu's actions even after a couple hours.

Juvia decided she would ask Gajeel, as he was her closest friend from Phantom Lord. "Gajeel-San, Juvia has a question." She walked over and sat next to the Iron Dragon Slayer.

"What's up?"

"Juvia was wondering what Gajeel-San thinks about Juvia and Gray-Sama's relationship."

"You want my honest opinion?" Gajeel asked, turning to face the water mage.

"Juvia would appreciate an honest answer."

"You aren't in love. It's an obsession. You've been obsessed with him over the fact that he saved you. The whole time we've been at FairyTail all you've done is stalk him and obsess over him."

Juvia looked down, ashamed.

"I'm not trying to be rude but it's out of hand Juvia. You have stitched dolls of him, you've stolen his clothes, you get upset when someone is even in a five foot radius of him, and not to mention you forced him to choose you." Gajeel crosses his arms.

"Forced? Juvia did not force Gray-Sama to choose Juvia." She said.

"But you did. Every time he rejected you, you just said he was "playing hard to get" and every time he said no you never stopped what you were doing. You don't care about his feelings, this may sound cruel, but you only care about your own."

"As long as Gray is with you, your completely fine and happy, but when Gray is with someone else you can't stand it. Maybe Gray wanted to be with someone else but couldn't because of you. I'm sorry Juvia but it's true." Gajeel stood up, and walked out of the guild.

Juvia looked down at her hands and thought about it. Did she force Gray to choose her? The more she thought about it the more it started to make sense.

Juvia is selfish. If Gray was with her then Juvia was happy. But when Gray was next to Lucy or Erza, who don't have romantic feelings for Gray, she'd go crazy.

Natsu isn't selfish. He doesn't care who Gray is with as long as Gray is happy. If Gray was with Natsu then Natsu would be ecstatic but if Gray was with someone else, Natsu would be just as happy. Because Gray was happy.

Natsu wasn't going to meddle with the relationship but not because of Juvia. It was never for Juvia. It was for Gray.

Juvia wouldn't be able to compete with Natsu, someone who would give up everything for Gray's happiness at the cost of his own.

Juvia would be easily beaten by Natsu. Because Juvia now understood that she only cared about her own happiness here.


Juvia was thinking about ending it with Gray so he could be happy with whoever he wanted.

But Juvia didn't force him. Gajeel was lying, she didn't force him. She and Gray were happy.

Juvia wanted Gray to herself, that was love right?

Natsu wanted Gray with whoever makes him happy, even if it wasn't him. That was love.

Word count : 1019

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