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Felt like writing, but not sure what to write so enjoy these 2 prompts I never finished and gave up on.

Song : Blue Jeans by Lana Del Ray
Modern AU


Blue jeans, white shirt, walked into the room
You know you make my eyes burn
It was like James Dean, for sure
You're so fresh to death and sick as cancer

Gray sat in the hospital waiting room in a random shirt and some sweats he threw on. It was almost 4:00 in the morning, no one should be awake right now.

Gray woke up to the blaring sound of his phone ringing. It seemed every time it went to voice mail they would call again so he finally forced himself to answer.

Gray hadn't been expecting Magnolia Hospital to call him, informing him that Natsu was in a terrible car crash.

He was allowed to go inside the hospital room and see Natsu but as soon as he walked in he walked back out and cried.

Nastu laid on the hospital bed in a white shirt and jeans, both red with blood. Gray's eyes starting burning, the presence of tears wanting to make themselves known.


You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip-hop
And you fit me better than my favorite sweater
And I know that love is mean, and love hurts
But I still remember that day we met in December, oh baby

When a loved one is in the hospital the last thing you should do is think about all the good times you had, especially when they look like how Natsu looks right now.

Natsu loved punk rock music, and listened to it often, and while Gray didn't listen to music as much as Nastu did, he preferred hip-hop and the pair had endless debates about which was better.

When Natsu and Gray would cuddle, Nastu would be extremely warm and was perfect during winter. Gray never knew how cold his sweater was until he tried it on without Natsu there.

Gray remembers back in December, 4 years ago, he met Natsu in the street. He was sitting on the sidewalk, leaning against the side of a building with his face in his hands.

Gray had crouched down to check if he was alright, and after they talked for a while they exchanged phone numbers and it went from there.


I will love you till the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby, can you see through the tears?
Love you more than those bitches before
Say you'll remember say you'll remember
Baby ooh
I will love you till the end of time

Gray remembers a couple months ago when he told Natsu how much he loved him. Natsu didn't really believe him for how could someone love another so much?

Gray remembers every little detail about that conversation.


Gray and Natsu were sitting on the couch in Gray's living room. The TV's volume was quiet enough to hear the gentle rain drops hit the window.

Natsu's back with pulled flush against Gray's chest. Natsu's head was tipping back and rested on Gray's shoulder with his eyes closed.

Gray could hear Natsu's soft breathing and he could feel his breathing slowing down, hinting he was about to fall asleep.

"I will love you till the end of time." He whispered into Natsu's ear.

That small whisper woke him up just a little bit so he could respond with another whisper. "What if something happened?"

"Then I'd wait a million years."


Big dreams, gang stuff, said you had to leave to start your live over
I was like, no please, stay here
We don't need no money
We could make it all work



Gray felt horrible. His throat was scratched up from all the thorns and his bed and some of his carpet was littered in flower petals.

The bright red flower was a beautiful one but Gray hated this flower and he hated himself even more.

He hated himself for not being enough, because if he was enough, Natsu would like him back.

Natsu never stays with one person for too long so Gray has seen him date all kinds of people. Lucy lasted for a while but he eventually ended it.

Lisanna was the last girlfriend he had before he came out as gay, which brought some hope to Gray. Of course the universe hates Gray so they weren't going to let Natsu date him, as shown by the flower petals he coughs up daily.

He finally settled on Sting. The guild master of Sabertooth, the lucky bastard.

He bet Sting never had to worry about coughing up petals in front of friends or on a job. Gray did though.

His friends had no idea because if they found out they'd interrogate him about who he liked and would pressure him to get surgery.

That was a problem.

1. He didn't want to tell Natsu how he felt especially when dating Sting, a relationship that had been going fairly well.

2. He didn't want surgery. That's just how in love he was, or maybe he just didn't want to forget love.

Love was a foreign thing to Gray. The last people to ever tell him they loved him had been his parents and his mentor.

Sure the FairyTail guild loved him but the love of your parents or guardian will always mean more than the love of your friends.

The love of a significant other is different than a love from friends and Gray, having never felt that love, wanted to experience and hold onto it for as long as possible.

How long could someone even last like this?


It's almost been a year since Natsu and Sting started dating. Almost a year that Gray has had to suffer from these flowers.

Every single day, the disgusting red petals in his home grew. They were in his bedroom, his kitchen, his bathroom, all over his furniture and some even found their way into his shoes.

Gray knew it was getting bad when he coughed up part of a stem. With thorns.

Word count : 1032

Can you believe the amount of angst I was planning on dropping on y'all?

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