•Fall For Me•

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"Okay Gray, this pickup line is sure to work."

"Loke you said that the last 20 times, this one is probably not going to be any better." Lucy huffed. "I let you out of your gate to help Gray and you're just making it worse."

"I can summon myself on my own so even if you didn't want me here I would still show off my dashing good looks!"

"Yeah? Well wait till I force close your gate then, huh?" Lucy stood up and held Loke's key in his face.

"Okay, Okay! I'll actually try this time."

"You mean you weren't actually trying this whole time!"

Gray sighed. This was sure to be an interesting day.


"I got it!" Loke and Lucy yelled at the same time.

See the thing is, Gray was trying to get Natsu to be embarrassed. Natsu had a habit of getting Gray to blush furiously either it be on accident or on purpose.

Gray had asked Lucy for help and her solution was to summon Loke, the ultimate playboy.

Now as someone who used to pick up girls for a good majority of his time at the guild, his pickup line game sucks.

And Lucy, while Gray appreciates the effort she's putting in, has no experience in dating or relationships.

"Okay, hit me." Gray responded, awaiting what is sure to be even more horrible pickup lines.

"Do you have a map? Because I think I've gotten lost in your eyes."

Oh brother.

"Do you have a bandaid? Because I think I scrapped my knee falling for you."

"Aren't there other ways for me to fluster Natsu that doesn't involve horrible pickup lines?" Gray sighed, if this was all they had to offer he was better off figuring it out on his own.

"How do you think I got all those hot girls Gray?" Loke asked, leaning over the table to get a good look at Gray.

"Hopefully not with those pickup lines." And with that, he got up and walked towards Natsu.

"Can I ask him on a date? We haven't gone on one in a while," Gray was thinking of all the potential ways to fluster his boyfriend. "Or maybe I could.."

Gray was so lost in thought he didn't see the uprooted piece of wood in the guilds floor. He tripped and landed right in front of the chair Natsu was sitting on.

Natsu was laughing hysterically while Gray was slowly picking himself up, rubbing his elbows from the fall.

"Wow Gray, you weren't kidding when you said you fell for me."


As an apology for laughing at him, Natsu bought Gray a smoothie from the guilds bar.

"Hey Gray?"

"Yeah Natsu?"

"Did it hurt.."

"When I fell from heaven?" Gray lightly glared, remembering all the horrible pickup lines Loke and Lucy suggested. "No, it didn't."

"I was gonna say when you fell for me, but okay." Natsu smirked, slowly turning his head away from the flustered and very frustrated ice mage.

Word count : 499

I've had writers block, so a chapter I've been working on since June 25th still isn't finished ):

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