•Remember Us•

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That picture hurts me you don't understand


"How bad is the damage?" Natsu was sick with worry. Team Natsu had gone out on a job and they had to fight a mage that used some type of memory magic. Gray had gotten hit by the spell and neither Erza, Lucy, Natsu, or Happy knew what damage the spell had done.

"I'm not completely sure," Wendy started. "I healed all his injuries so we'll have to wait until he wakes up to know for sure." Wendy turned around to face her elder dragon slayer and gave him a sad look.

"I'm sorry Natsu."

"No it's okay Wendy. You did all you can and I appreciate it." Natsu gave Wendy a small smile and the younger dragon slayer responded by giving Natsu a hug.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Wendy waved goodbye before she walked out of the infirmary to go home.


Natsu woke up to a forceful shove to the ground. He opened his eyes, blinking rapidly to get rid of sleepiness from his eyes.

"What the hell flame brain? Cuddling and holding my hand?"

"Gray!" Natsu stood up instantly and grabbed the ice mage's hand. "You're awake!" Natsu leaned in to kiss Gray's cheek but before his lips could make contact with his skin, he got an icy blast to the face.

"What are you doing?!" Gray sounded..disgusted and confused.

"Gray? What are you doing? Are you feeling okay? I know you got hit pretty hard but c'mon we're dating." Natsu once again tried to grab his hand before Gray pushed him away.


Wendy eventually came and said that based on Gray's behavior toward everyone else and Natsu she was able to say that Gray had lost all intimate memories of Natsu.

"So he unfortunately doesn't remember anything about your relationship. Asking him out, dates, pet names, whatever you two did in your relationship, he doesn't remember." Wendy explained. "I'm not sure how that happened because memory magic is so foreign so we might have to ask Porluysica since she has more experience in healing."

"Mhm." Natsu felt like crying. His eyes stung with the presence of tears and he tried his hardest to blink them back but unfortunately one of them fell and unfortunately a certain ice mage saw.

"Wow, crying over me missing some memories? If anything I should be crying." Gray crosses his arms before looking up at Natsu. "Say..what memories did I lose anyway?"

"Well, you lost the memory of you asking me out." Natsu began but was quickly cut off by Gray.

"Asking you out? Are you sure? You're not that funny flame head."

"What? But Gray, I'm not lying just ask anyone in the guild." Natsu's voice was thick with tears. Was it really that hard to believe they were dating?

"Whatever. Just get out. I'm trying to forget the image of you holding my hand."


Natsu walked down the path towards home. Well, was it his home? Natsu had moved in with Gray a couple weeks ago so he couldn't stay there. Especially not with how Gray was acting towards him.

Natsu figured he'd go into the apartment, grab some of his things and stay in one of the guilds rooms. Sounds good.

Natsu carefully unlocked the door and slowly closed it behind him.

He walked down the hall towards his and Gray's bedroom. He opened the dresser drawers and grabbed some clothes, got his toothbrush, and some other things he wanted to take.

Natsu left his key on the coffee table in the living room, and when Natsu closed the door behind him, he had an idea.

Nastu first had to go to guild and get a room so he could put all his belongings somewhere. After throwing everything on the floor of his hopefully temporary room he ran back to the bar, looking for Lucy.

"Luce! Quick question, do you have a notebook I can have?" When he yelled out Lucy's name she jumped three feet into the air.

"A notebook? Probably. Come with me I'll go get it for you."


Lucy gave Natsu a notebook with a brown leather cover. Natsu also may or may not have stolen a pencil of Lucy's.

In his best handwriting Natsu began writing all the different memories he had with Gray.


The day you asked me out, we were by the river. You know the one we always fight by?  I remember you had me promise not to laugh and that if I said no nothing would change. I said yeah and then you asked me to be your boyfriend.

On our first date we decided to go to some fancy restaurant. You looked so nervous that you stripped more often then you usually do. When we ordered our food you barely ate any of it so I ended up eating both my food and yours.

On Valentine's Day you told me that you weren't sure what to get me. I told you beforehand you didn't need to get me anything but you insisted you did. Your face was so red which is very unusual for you, the stoic ice mage. You got me some chocolate because of my love of food and I gave you a picture of us and the team.

On our one month anniversary you brought me to the beach. I had no idea that you could be somewhat romantic. Instead of coming during the day and spending a bunch of time there, we decided to come at night. We splashed in the water and you accidentally froze some of the ocean. I told you about how Igneel taught me how to read the stars and I showed you a bunch of constellations.

On Mirajane's birthday Lamia Scale came over and some other guilds as well. You and Lyon started fighting because he's still not over Juvia and Juvia is still not over you. You knocked him over and he pulled you down with him and you ruined the cake. I remember Erza chased you both for hours, demanding to apologize to Mira who didn't even think it was a big deal.

I remember when you brought me to your parents graves. Silver and Mika. They seem like good parents from the way you described them. You told me about the cake your mom would make on your birthdays, and how you remember playing in the snow with your dad. You and me sat there for hours while you told me stories about them.

And just a few weeks ago, you asked me to move in with you. We went on a date and you asked if I would be willing to stay at your house. I remember you helping me move all my clothes into Y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶o̶u̶r̶
your bedroom. I put up a bunch of pictures like with you and me, some of the guild members, the team, and even a drawing Reedus made of Igneel. Thank you letting me hang that up.


Natsu put the pencil down and stood up. He gently picked up the book and walked to the mailbox not far from the guild.

He mailed it to Gray and hopefully Gray would remember and they could go back to how it used to be.

Word count : 1204

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