•X766 - X784•

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Natsu woke up with a start, heaving breathing and teary eyes as he rolled over to Gray's side of the bed.

He yanked open the drawer and pulled out his cross necklace and roughly pulled it over his head, tucking it under his scarf.

He grabbed Gray's pillow and tightly held it against his chest, burying his nose into it breathing in the faint scent of winter and snow.

Natsu's eyes burned and for once, Natsu allowed his tears to fall. He hasn't let himself do that for months:. Wanting to appear strong and pulled together for Gray.

Not for Lucy, or Erza, or the guild. Just Gray. Natsu wasn't a crier and even when he did it was quick and silent tears. However these tears ripped out of chest. The sounds that came from the back of his throat would make you think he lost something important to him. And he did.


Natsu woke up from a nightmare, a nightmare about Igneel. He rolled over to Gray's side of the bed and reached out for him.

He wrapped his arms around the ice mage rather forcefully and stuck his pink hair of head into Gray's neck. "Natsu? What's wrong?"

"Igneel." Natsu whispered. Gray immediately understood and wrapped his chilly arms around his dragon slayer, cooing soft words and gentle reassurances that'd be always be there.


Natsu got up the next morning and walked out, not bothering to change his wrinkly clothes or comb through the birds nest that was his hair.

Just by looking at him you could tell how he was feeling. It wasn't a good feeling.

Natsu just wanted to run home, or anywhere really, and jump into his ice princess' arms and just stay there. He wanted Gray to gently kiss his head like he always did and whisper in his ear how much he loved him, a slight blush on his face as Gray wasn't used to saying such things out loud, even if it was just a whisper.

Natsu laughed for just a second. His laugh for Gray. Natsu took a deep breath before he walked up to Gray's spot. He sat down, and tried to calm his breathing.


Gray has his pale skin wrapped around Natsu's sun kissed body. He gently swayed them back and forth as he lightly hummed a tune from a song his mother used to sing to him.

Natsu allowed himself to be gently cradled in Gray's soft and tender hold as Gray hummed his sweet song.

Natsu would give anything to stay in that moment. But the thing is, you can't freeze time and you can't live in one specific memory forever.

Natsu learned that the hard way.


"I love you." Natsu whispered as he picked up Gray's cross necklace that was tucked under his scarf from last night. He softly pressed his lips to the cold metal before dropping it and letting it hang near his chest.

He leaned foreword and pressed a gentle kiss to the cool stone.


Gray Fullbuster
X766 - X784


Word count : 506

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