• Surprise Meeting •

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Your pov:

It was a bright summers day, the weather was hot but a cool breeze scraped my skin lightly.

"Y/n, come inside! You're going to fry out here." Anna called.

"No thanks, it's nicer out here. Besides I hate the indoors." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Please just come in! You've been out here for ages! There's a late birthday present for you..." Anna whined.

I stood up at the words 'birthday present' being mentioned. What exactly could be this late? It's July now.

"Fine, but this better be a good surprise or I'm coming back out here!" I sighed walking over to the latter.

"Trust me you'll love it." Anna giggled as we made our way back inside.


"Okay, close your eyes!" Anna huffed.

"Why do I nee-"

"Just shut up and do it!" Anna growled.

I sighed before placing my hands over my eyes, I allowed my strange best friend to guide me into what I assumed was our dance studio.

"This is so stupid! Can I see now for crying out loud?!" I asked annoyed.

There was a lot of commotion happening around me, which scared me slightly. Was this a party or something?

"Okay! You can see now!" Anna screeched happily.

"Finally!" I removed my hands and allowed my eyes to adjust to the blinding light.

My vision came to a focus and what I saw was impossible.
"I- what- is this a dream?" I looked at the seven boys frantically.

"No, Y/n, it's real life!" Anna laughed. "Aren't you going to say hi or shall I just push you over to them?" Anna joked, to which I just gave her a deathly frown.

I turned my head once again to the seven boys; studying them.

Kim Namjoon..

Kim Seokjin..

Min Yoongi..

Jung Hoseok..

Park Jimin..

Kim Taehyung..

Jeon Jungkook..


"Y/n?! Earth to Y/n?" Anna called, knocking me out of my trance.

"Uh- y-yeah?" I stuttered like an idiot.

"You're staring.." Anna giggled.

"Wait I am? OH.. s-sorry.." I mentally face palmed.

Anna laughed again, this time so did the seven boys.

I blushed a dark shade of crimson. "Ugh I'm such an embarrassment! I'm so sorry.." I frowned looking down.

"Hey, Y/n? It's okay to be nervous! We all are actually." Namjoon spoke up, scratching his nape.

I looked up at Namjoon with a small smile. "Why would you guys be nervous?" I asked.

"Well, we have never really done this sort of fan meet before, so it's quite nerve racking." Jin butted in with a slight tint of red upon his cheeks.

"This type of fan meet? W-what's different?" I asked again, while tugging at my bottom lip.

This is insane.. I thought again.

"Oh? Didn't Anna tell you?" Jimin asked back, cocking a brow.

I shook my head before frowning at my best friend.

"We are doing this thing where we stay with an army for 2 months, you're that lucky army." Jimin explained.

My eyes widened.

"TWO MONTHS?! Oh my god.." I fell backwards into my best friends arms.

"Yes, but only a few actually know, so no sharing anything just yet.." Namjoon spoke up again.

I nodded still in shock.

BTS are going to be staying with me for two whole months?!


A/N: hellooo so I hope you enjoyed this first chapter? Vote and comment! I'd love to know your thoughts!

Bye lovelies :)

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