• In the night •

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(A/n: I stole this ^ from Mine-Yoongi hehe)

1 week after Y/n left..

Yoongi's POV:

I had laid awake most nights, I felt empty, like a big hole now gaped in my chest. I thought I'd be use to this feeling after years of anxiety and depression but now the feeling was just tearing me apart.

Anna had told me the day her and Y/n would leave Korea and my heart sank at how quickly everything flew by. I had to say goodbye, so I sent Y/n a text wishing her my all. There was no reply only the sign of it being read.

I turned my weight to one side with a sigh, I had done all I could.

Being alone in my small apartment only increased how lonely I felt, my friends all had their own lives and things to do, everything just went backwards as if I'd never even met Y/n or Anna or even Jae. I frowned at the thought of him, he'd been so kind and welcoming, and it made me think of why someone so warm hearted could be wiped from this earth so discretely. Why did Y/n have to suffer more by the sudden death of her brother, move away from her home and be ripped of what she knew.

I hope she's at least some what happy now, I couldn't keep her back. And as they say, if you love someone, you'd let them go. I had tried so hard but her features stayed engraved in my mind, her voice and aura still bounced around me and some nights I still felt she was with me.

Tears now clouded my eyes, a sense of unease radiated my body. I got up from my bed and plodded out my dark room into my bathroom. My mind was fogged, Y/n wasn't coming back and I just blamed myself.

Third person POV:

Yoongi took a glance at himself in the oval mirror that hung upon the white dull walls. Dark rims rested under his coal eyes, his face more ghostly pale than before. The life no longer flushing in his rounded cheeks. His black hair a mess and stuck to his sweaty forehead.

He splashed cold water over his face in attempt to settle his up coming fever, he felt sick, but a more kind of love sick, a broken sickness. His heart banged against his chest picturing the one girl he loved so dearly, looking so broken. He closed his eyes for a second allowing the tears to glide down his cheeks, before reopening them up to see his puffy eyes.

Yoongi took his phone out from his pocket and began writing a text.

Yoongs ✊🏻:
I'm sorry, forgive me.

Jiminie 😁:
What are you talking about, Hyung? Jimin replied instantly but there was no reply and he began to worry.

Yoongi locked his phone before opening the bathroom cabinet, rummaging through pill bottles, his eyes landed on one in particular, he grabbed it and held it in his palm.

I don't care about anything anymore. I just want to get out.

And with that finale thought, he lifted the cap and downed every pill with the help of the tap water.


Jimin used his set of keys Yoongi gave him into the small apartment. A bad gut feeling way to hard to ignore bubbled in his stomach. It was about 11:30pm at night but he had to check his best friend.

"Yoongi? Hyung?" Jimin called into the apartment, his voice echoing into the pitch blackness.

Jimin bit his lower lip when he spotted the bathroom light seeping through the crack of the door, without hesitation he shuffled his feet over and opened the door, his heart shattering, eyes widened at the sight before him.

His Hyung, his best friend and brother, Yoongi was laid unconscious against the bath tub, a bottle of pills held in one hand.

"YOONGI?!" Jimin let out a scream, falling down by Yoongi's side. He shook the black male frantically. "Yoongi, what the fuck have you done?!"

Jimin began to cry, shaking his head,

"We have a comeback soon! We have people who care! Why did you do this to yourself, are you that stupid!"

Jimin yanked his phone from his pocket and called 119.

"Yes, an ambulance please. My friend has attempted suicide." Jimin sniffled down the phone.

He removed the hair from Yoongi's eyes, the sight tearing him apart. He was enraged at the world, he was mad at Yoongi for being selfish.


Your POV(next day):

My first day at this hell of a uni sucked, everyone treated people like a pile of shit. I just wanted to get home and fall asleep on the sofa.

As soon as I opened my apartment door, Anna was perched on the sofa, her body in a closed position, she looked conflicted. I walked over and kneeled in front of her.

"Anna? What's wrong?" I asked, my voice full of concern, Anna looked into my eyes, her expression unreadable.

"Tell me?"

"We have to go back to Korea." She blurted out, her voice shaking. A wave of confusion hit me and I cocked a brow.

"Yoongi tried to commit suicide." Those last words hit me like a truck, my heart fell out of my chest, my breath hitched.




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A/n: please don't kill me, just to make you all feel better I will not kill off our Yoongles

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A/n: please don't kill me, just to make you all feel better I will not kill off our Yoongles. I'm sorry for hurting you all with this angst. It will get better I promise!

Remember fiction.

Short chapter, sorry lovelies,

Borahae 💜💜

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