• Danger •

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Your POV:

"Y/n has to kiss Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook screeched.

Yoongi didn't look bothered, he just smirked.

"Y/n, you are 20 years old! You can kiss a boy!" Anna shouted.

I was completely frozen, a cold wave casters over me and I hate it, I hate feeling small. I hate being in difficult situations.

I was to caught up in my own world to even notice my surroundings. A soft pair of lips planted against mine sent shocks down my whole body, and at this moment I feel myself melt into this kiss. 5 seconds pass and our lips detach.

Yoongi sits up straight, his stare piecing through me, my eyes widen again as I realised I responded to the kiss and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Oh my.. that was something to watch." Jin spoke up with a slight chuckle.

"Yoongi hyung, went straight in for it!" Jungkook clapped his hands.

"Guys, come on its a game! Leave them alone." Namjoon looked between me and Yoongi with a smile.

"Ahem, yeah. It was just a kiss, right Y/n?" Yoongi kept his gaze upon me.

"Y-yeah." I fake smiled. "It's late, we should all get some sleep." I coughed standing up.

"Awhh- okay Y/n." Jimin spoke before also standing, along with the others.

"Goodnight." I said before jogging out the studio.

I kissed yoongi and he kissed me.. holy- I shook my thoughts away, coming to a stop when I reached my room. I instantly flopped onto my bed, hugging my pillow.

The door opened and I felt the bed sink beside me.

"How was it to kiss, Min Yoongi?" Anna asked, as she bounced up and down on my bed.

I leaned on my elbows avoiding eye contact. "It was nice? I don't know? I feel like he didn't enjoy it? Like, was I a bad kisser?" I rambled on.

"Y/n, I forgot that was your first kiss, other than that time in third grade when Henry Cheesman kissed you and you punched him." Anna began to chuckle re-telling the story.

"Ugh- did you have to bring both of those up?" I barked annoyed.

"Yes? Oh just to tell you, Yoongi is in my room next door! So Uhm- don't talk to loudly.." Anna laughed nervously.

"Great. Just great." I growled before face planting my pillow.

"One thing, where am I sleeping?" Anna asked, giving my body a shake.

"On the floor."

"What?! Y/n, can't I share the bed with you?" Anna whined.

"No, leave me alone." I sighed, hugging my pillow tighter.

"Fine, I'll just tell all the boys about how you shared your first kiss with Yoongi." Anna sniggered.

"NO!" I shouted sitting up. "Fine, just don't take up the whole bed." I rolled my eyes.

Anna nodded before crashing down next to me and closing her eyes. To which I did the same.

 Months with Bangtan // MYG x Reader Where stories live. Discover now