• The apartment •

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(A/n: this song is French (: btw, you can look up the lyrics?)

Your POV:

The whole plane ride felt like torture, my mind couldn't be at rest with the relentless thought skimming around in my head. Soon I felt my head throbbing and I so badly wanted to get the hell off this dreadful plane.

Anna had peacefully fallen asleep and I envied how relaxed she was. Sighing I grabbed my phone and looked at the the screen, my heart jumped out of my chest by seeing a familiar name pop up with a text.

I unlocked my phone and went to my messages, my body shook all over, my stomach dropped when I read the text.

Hey Y/n, I never got to say a proper goodbye to you. I just want you to know that, I'm not mad at you, I never was. I know you did this with good reason and I respect you for that. I'll leave you alone from now on, I love you. Yours sincerely, Yoongles.

I felt hot tears glide down upon my cheeks, as if I thought I couldn't cry anymore, the droplets just kept falling. I silently weeped, re-reading the message over again. I wanted to reply and tell him how sorry I was, how much I loved him but I just couldn't, I had to let everything go, for now...

<3 (A/n: George please comfort my dear readers)

After four tiring hours, the plane swiftly hit the ground. Everyone rushed of quickly as possible, Anna had not long woken up, due to this she was stumbling around everywhere. I giggled at my older, she just glared back at me so I shut up.

Security was fairly quick and soon me and Anna were waiting outside the airport for our taxi to arrive to take us to our apartment, that my so called dad had paid for.

The taxi arrived and it was a little hard trying to talk to the driver since he had no clue what I was trying to tell him. Anna butted in and spoke Chinese to the man and he nodded with a small smile.

Darn Anna and her language skills.

Anna could speak 4 languages, Korean, English, Chinese and Japanese. She took a lot of different classes during her college years, she always been smart adding to her wiseness.

Finally, we reached the apartment and we both thanked the driver before getting out the car. The both of us made our way into the block and collected our keys for the time being, I knew it would be a short stay.

Unfortunately the lift was broken and so the stairs were the only option, after what felt like an eternity, we reached our floor and ushered to unlock our door.

My mouth gaped open at the sight surrounding me, the polished laminated, wooden floors gleamed brightly, black leather sofas stood in the middle of the lounge along with a large flat screen tv that hung on the grey walls.

I dumped my case and began walking around my new home for the time being, the kitchen was a little small but it was quite cute with the light grey granite work tops and the oak wooded cabinets. A sink sat just under a window which presented the outside view nicely. I wandered further around into the halls, where a bedroom and bathroom was. I peered into the bathroom first, the walls where a cream shade with a bath and glass doored shower, a toilet and sink right in the corner. I smiled at the cuteness. Finally I got the feeling of independence.

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