• Confessions & forgiveness •

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Your POV:

Breakfast was finished a while ago, I sat with Anna in the downstairs living room, the others all went to the studio to catch up I guess.

Anna kept glancing back a fourth at me, her face full of worry. I keep fidgeting, I couldn't relax at all. I wanted to, but my mind was clouded with anxiety.

Anna let out a sigh. "You need to talk to Jae." She said, biting down on her lip. My face fell at her words.

"I know you wanted time, but he's your brother. I tried to help but clearly you are still troubled." Anna continued, her voice low.

"I know, I'm going to." I squeaked out and let out a sigh.

"I'll go now. Might as well just get it over with." I said with a flat tone before standing up.

"Okay, I'll be here." Anna replied with reassurance in her voice. I nodded and made my way out the downstairs living room.

I knew exactly where Jae would be, he would spend hours studying for university, at that time I didn't know that.

It wasn't long until I was standing by the library door, I pushed it open and there I saw the brunet boys hair. He hadn't noticed I came in, to caught up looking through books.

"J-jae-oppa?" I called, my voice shaking. The boy jumped slightly and turned around with a startled face, which morphed into a slight smile.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asked, standing up and walking over to me.

"I came to talk to you." I replied with a whisper. Jae sighed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry about everything. I had no choice back then, I hope you know that." He began explaining.

"I know I hurt you an-" I cut him off by hugging him tightly.

"You didn't, yesterday was a shock and I over reacted. Don't blame yourself." I spoke into his chest. He hugged me back.

"I've missed you, when I finished university I wanted to come see you, but dad said if I came back he'd stop your dance lessons." He pulled away looking down.

I frowned, letting him continue.

"I know how much you loved to dance, so I agreed to not come home to you. I was stupid." He finished, his eyes searched my face for answers.

"All this time I thought you forgot about me, I thought you didn't care." I croaked out, my eyes now glossing over.

"I never stopped thinking about you, you're my little sister. When dad told me that I could come back to Korea, I was so excited to see you." Jae kept explaining himself. I felt so bad for how I treated him. He didn't deserve that.

"I wanted to keep in contact, but I couldn't, I had no way of doing so." He sighed.

"Why is dad so against us being together. You're my brother.." tears fell from my eyes.

He wiped my tears with a small smile.

"'Cause he knows I'll always beat him in being a better person." He said and I gave him a confused look.

"He's always wanted me to inherit the company but never wanted me to be so distracted by you. He knew I'd chose you over anything. So he sent me away." He shook his head and I just sighed.

"I hate him.. why is mum still with him?" I asked rhetorically, shaking my head not expecting an answer.

"She loves him and us, Y/n. She isn't like him." Jae answered with a sad smile.

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