Q & A

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Hello my readers! So I'm doing a Q & A because why not? Anyway Mine-Yoongi  asked me a bunch of questions because I asked her too, as I only have her and 09Blake currently reading 😂🤷🏼‍♀️

Anyway lesss get it-

( Q ) Will y/n move in with them or move closer to them or something after the two months?
( A ) I don't have an idea for that just yet but I have a sorta set plan for after the two months (: just not about moving in.

( Q ) will Anna end up with one of the members? Because I'm pretty sure y/n will.
( A ) I did plan on having Anna end up with Hobi or Jimin but then one of them would be lonely, so when I bought Jae into this story it all worked out and I planned way ahead anyway with jihope (;

( Q ) Do you have any other books planned that you want to write?
( A ) yes I have a Taekook book in mind with a set idea of plot but that's about it.

( Q ) Does Jae have a crush on Anna?
( A ) well I don't know? Read to find out (;

( Q ) Will y/n's parents ever care for her?
( A ) I think everyone's parents care deep down to a some what way? Y/n's mother does for sure, I wanted her father to be a little 'dark' and by that not a great person. All will be revealed soon!

( Q ) What's Jimin's favourite colour in this book? Lol.
( A ) I quite like the colour yellow and I wanted Jimin to be this cute and kind character, so I think yellow suits him as it's a bright colour (:, so yellow is his 'favourite' colour.

( Q ) Will Namjoon and Jin ever get married?
( A ) dude, of course they will get married?! It's Namjin! One of my otp ships so like yeah definitely! (:

Okay so now I'm just gunna answer some questions that people may be curious about heh-

What's my favourite colour? Yellow and purple because they are both symbols of something. Yellow is obviously bright and shows happiness and passion. Purple because like Tae said, it's love and trust (: and also cause they are pretty!

What's my name? 🤷🏼‍♀️
If you haven't guessed already, my name is Skye. Lol.

Who is your bias? Well obviously, Min Yoongi! Ugh he's just so omg- words can't describe him.
My bias wreckers are all the boys basically but mainly Taehyung and Jungkook. Taekoookkkk uwu-

Okay so that's it's- hope you don't judge me too much. I'll update soon!

Bye lovelies- 💜💜

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