• Saying Goodbye •

124 11 66

(A/n: this song has importance, please listen, they're no words.)

Your POV:

As soon as I closed that door, I slid down it, silent sobs escaped my mouth, my heart felt it had been ripped out from my chest.

I looked around the room, my mum must have left, it was just me and Jae now.. or maybe just me.

This time I'd chosen to be alone, I'd chosen to end my happiness because the people I love most, deserve all the positivity.

I've never been full, my appetite for love and affection was limited, it always has been.

I stood up and scuffed my feet across the ground over to Jae's side, sitting down and taking his hand in mine.

"You can be at peace now if you want." I sniffled as tears kept falling down from my swollen eyes.




"Please don't leave me, be at peace with me." I whispered. "It should have been me, You've always been so kind, even when you came back and I was so mean to you, you gave me a chance."




"Dad wants to send me to Hong Kong, I'm frightened, Jae. I'm frightened to continue on without you, or Anna, or... Yoongi." I carried on,

"I.. I broke up with Yoongi, dad would hurt him even more if I didn't.."




"Jae?" My eyes widened as I stood up.

"Jae?! No, no! What happened to walking me down the isle? W-what happened to being at peace together-" I began screaming, my voice box stinging.

Doctors came rushing in, machinery bought with them.

"Miss, please exit the room." A nurse said, suddenly I was being pulled out.

"NO! What's happening?! JAE!" I screamed and sobbed, my lungs caving in, suffocating me.


The world around me went silent, my ears buzzing. I felt every vibration of feet hitting the ground, voices speaking but no sound heard.

My whole world was crashing down in front of me and there was nothing I could do about it. I could only sit and watch as every part of me crumble beneath me.

A pair of small arms wrapped around me, confronting me with a scent of lavender and jasmine.

"M-mum." I sobbed, "mum I'm in pain." I tugged at her blouse. She shushed me and held me so tightly in her warm embrace.

"I-I know." She replied, her voice barely audible. We stood in the middle of the hall listening to the faffing around, the chaos evolving everywhere.

All I could think about was the thought of losing my brother. I no longer wished to be here, how selfish?

That's what the world is, selfish.



All I felt now was the emptiness, my soul seeming hollow.

Never did I imagine a world where I'd witness the death of someone so important to me, my other half, my brother.

 Months with Bangtan // MYG x Reader Where stories live. Discover now