• Memory lane •

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Your POV, 10 years ago:
Y/n age: 10

"Oppa? If we don't find our soulmates when we are older, can I marry you?" I looked at my brother with big eyes. He let out a light chuckle and ruffled my hair.

"Y/n, I could never marry you! You're my sister!"He said, my face turned into a frown. "But I'll be the one to walk you down the isle. If that's what you want?" He asked with a soft smile.

"Of course oppa! But what if I never find someone?" I pouted looking down. Jae lifted up my head by my chin.

"Yes you will, princess. You are only 10 years old!" He stifled a laugh and I blushed madly.

"I guess so.." I sighed, then giving him my biggest smile.

"Thata girl!" He cheered.

"Jae, we need to talk." Our father called from the doorway. Jae and I stood up and began walking. "Not you Y/n. This is grown up stuff." Father said sternly.

"But, dad-"

"No, Y/n." My father shouted, making me cower backwards at his tone.

I watched as my brother gave me a saddened look before following father inside. I didn't want to be nosy but I sneaked behind and hid behind the wall.

"You have to leave today, son." I heard father say with a bored tone.

"B-but I promised Y/n I would take her to the park tomorrow! You said tomorrow was my last day!" Jae raised his voice. There was a loud slap heard echoing through the room.

There Jae stood with a red mark on his right cheek.

"Do not raise your voice at me! You are leaving today. You are 16 and was meant to leave a week ago but I pushed it back just for you." Father explained crossing his arms.

What is father talking about? Jae-oppa is leaving me? I thought.

"Y-yes, father. Can I at least say goodbye to Y/n?" Jae asked as a tear streamed down his face.

"Fine, but your aunt is leaving soon. And stop crying right now. Boys don't cry." Father stated before walking out the room not noticing me at all. I took the chance to go into the living room.

"Oppa?" I called behind him. Jae turned and gave me a broken smile.

"Hey, princess. You okay?" He dashed over to me and cupped my face.

"Are you leaving me?" I asked as my eyes began to tear. His smile dropped and he held a look of guilt.

"Y-you heard?" He asked back, his voice cracking.

I nodded as warm tears slid down my face. He let out a sigh and pulled me into his embrace, I wrapped my small arms around his neck.

"D-don't go, oppa. You promised to walk me down the isle. Are you breaking your promise?" I said into his chest. I heard a small sob.

"O-oppa? Are y-you crying?" I pulled away and looked at my brothers face. My heart shattered.

He nodded but soon smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry, princess. I have to leave you for a while and I don't know when I will see you again.." he explained, rubbing my arm. I looked at him puzzled.

"Why are you leaving..?" My voice shook.

"I have to go study. Remember father wanting me to take over the business?" He asked, I nodded quickly. "Well I have to go study business in university.."

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