• The truth •

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(A/n: play the song when you see this > ㅁㅁㅁ. Or don't (: )

Your POV:

The breeze accompanied me through the window as I sat by the cold panes. The wind sounded like whispers of lost voices urging to be heard. I often found myself closing my eyes and listening closely.

"Y/n? You alright?" Anna spoke up beside me as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

I shifted my gaze to her face as tears escaped my frozen eyes.

"Y-y/n? Hey, what's the matter?" Anna asked gently as she pulled me into her embrace.

"My parents.. they paid Bighit to allow the boys to stay with us." I croaked out as another tear fell.

"W-what? How.. but the boys said you won the competition..?" Anna pulled away slightly keeping me in her arms.

I shook my head. "N-no, they had to say that as a cover up. I'm so devastated, Anna! Just think all their fans wishing to meet them and my parents probably paid millions just so I could!" I sobbed standing up harshly, making Anna fall backwards.

"This is selfish!" Another choked sob came from my mouth and I gripped my hair.

"Y/n, I know what you're saying, I do but your parents knew how much you loved bts. You should thank them and honour the fact that you even got the chance to meet them, let alone stay with us! Yes it's unfair but you are also a fan. The boys love all their fans equally." Anna reasoned as she gave a small broken smile.

"I-I know, it just feels unreal still." I sighed.

"I get it, but we have a party to get to! Maybe then you can talk to the boys?" Anna asked.

I nodded.

Embrace it..


(A/n: y/n's dress (: )

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(A/n: y/n's dress (: )

Me and Anna made our way to our dance studio as that's the best place to have a party considering there are speakers and a wide space.

I couldn't help but fidget with my dress, all my nerves came rushing at once.

"Stop worrying! Have fun?" Anna gigged slightly which sounded more like a question; as we stepped inside the studio. The boys were all standing in a line waiting for us, which made me chuckle at the cuteness. They all looked so handsome.

"Y/n, Anna, you look wonderful!" Jin stepped forward and interlocked our hands and spun me around, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Thank you, Jin! You all look great too!" I complimented with a smile.

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