• Lucky charm •

195 11 53

(A/n: my edit (: )

Your POV:

Suddenly we heard a throat being cleared and we pulled away in shock, looking to see who it was.

A flushed faced Jimin stood there with arms crossed against his chest with pouting lips.

"You two are meant to be getting drinks, not eating each other's faces." He stated cocking a brow with an amused grin. Me and Yoongi gave each other glances before turning back to Jimin.

"H-he kissed me!" I yapped, pointing a finger towards Yoongi.

"I don't care, everyone is waiting and unless you want them to start getting suspicious, I suggest you get a move on." Jimin tutted before walking out the kitchen.

"Thanks for throwing me under the bus, Y/n." Yoongi spoke up with an attempted pout.

"You're welcome." I cooed at the sight before going over to the fridge and grabbing the packs of sprite and coke.

"Meanie!" Yoongi whined before coming over and taking the drinks off me.

"Yah! I can carry them." I barked, to which the latter just gave me an unbothered face.

"Well, I'm taking them now so you can rest that cute butt of yours." He chuckled before making his way out the kitchen. I followed after him, with a frown.

Wait cute butt? Has he been staring at my butt?! Pervert!

"Yah! Min Yoongi, you are a pervert!" I stood in front of him, hands on my hips.

"Why is that, beautiful?" Yoongi asked, the curves of his lips tugging up into a smirk.

"You have been staring at my butt haven't you!" I replied unfazed by his sudden pet name. Yoongi stifled a laugh and I cocked my brows in confusion. "What?"

"Y/n, I haven't. If you want me to then I'd gladly do so." He winked before continuing to walk back to the studio. I stood there, my face flushed with blood.

Darn you, Min Yoongi!

I shook my thoughts away, walking along side the latter. We reached the studio and made our way in.

"Yah! What took you so long!?" Jin shouted. I bit my lip nervously.

"Sorry, Jin-hyung. I had to use the bathroom but I couldn't let Y/n carry these by herself, so I told her to wait for me." Yoongi concluded reaching the others, placing the drinks down.

I nodded at his words before sitting down by Anna, She grinned knowingly. I just shook her off.

"Okay! Let's play a game! How does monopoly sound?" Namjoon suggests with a wide smile. Everyone agrees either nodding or saying a flat sure.


"Hey that's not fair! Jimin-hyung already has 5 properties!" Jungkook whined like a child.

"Kookie, you also have 5 properties." Taehyung sighed before taking his turn to roll the dice. He got 8 and moved his counter to his next spot.

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